
  • first day of grade 9

    first day of grade 9
    started school, went to my classes well some of them, i was always late or skipped, did my grade 9 homework, went to semi formal with friends, got an award in english for being the best and hard working student, always got in trouble in art and geography, had trouble with some classes, babysat after school, never perticipated in gym, did everything i could in grade 9. then i passed grade 9 now im done grade 9
  • Period: to


  • grade 10

    just started grade 10 its going well so far except im always late sometimes, i got in trouble once, i dont like teacher or alot of the students here, im gonna try out for cheer leading hope i make it, im gonna go to the halloween dance when it comes im going to try out for other sports if possible im not gonna skip. im gonna try and get a job im working on it and im doing well in all my classes so far. grade 10 done
  • 3rd year of college

    im on my 3rd year of college to become a lawyer i did a great job last year and im doing so well in school
  • 4th year of college

    im on my 4th year of college i actually think im gonna become a lawyer :)
  • im a lawyer

    im now a lawyer
  • my job

    im making lots of money so far from being a lawyer i think im gonna stick with this job for a while
  • family

    im engaged and now have 1 kid on the way..
  • kids

    i have 1 kid who is a a year old and now i have 1 more on the way
  • life

    my life is awesome since grade 9 all theses years were the best days of my life
  • life

    my life is great so far
  • grade 11

    im taking all the classes i wanted to take, im doing better in highschool, i have a job at super store and soon kfc, im doing well making lots of money well good money, i get more moeny on top of that when i babysit or do chores im getting my g1 soon im excited :)... im saving up for a car and a computer and a new cell phone cause my phone is all broken. im going to semi formal again maybe with my crush lol grade 10 is almost over. grade 10 done
  • garde 12

    i have now started grade 12 this is my last year at parkside i cant wait to graduate
  • college

    i am now all done highschool now i am starting my first year of college im in college to be a lawyer i think ill become a lawyer because ive always wanted to be one and i think ill do a pretty good job im gonna try my best to become one
  • 2nd year of college

    im on my 2nd year of college to become a lawyer i passed all my college classes last year i did well. im trying to do better because i really want to be a lawyer i made new friends im even seeing this one guy my 2nd year of college is almost done.