Sam Smiley Timeline

  • 12:30 pm Sam is at the theater

  • 3:07 Sam is buying clothes at Macy´s

  • 5:30 Sam is at Target

  • 12:30 pm Sam is at the theater

  • 3:07 pm Sam was buying clothes at Macy´s

  • 4:17 pm Sam was at Tilly´s

  • 5:30 pm Sam is at target

  • 8:15 pm Sam arrives at the ticket booth and stays with Adam until 11 pm

  • 11:29 pm Sam gets a hot dog at Big Al´s

  • 11:45 pm Sam calls for a taxi and it arrives at 12:30 am

  • 7:30 pm Sam takes the bus to Edmonton Event

  • 12:45 amTaxi drops him off 4 miles from his house

  • Around midnight there is a car screeching and at 5 am he is found

  • Period: to

    Sam Smiley´s Last Day

  • Period: to

    Sam Smiley´s Final Events

  • 4:17 pm Sam is at Tilly´s

  • 7:30 pm Sam takes the Bus to the Edmonton Event