salma's time line

By sgarana
  • when I was born

    I was born in a hospetel called Celopatra time 11:00
  • an earth quake

    an earth quake happend in west Iran measured 6.5 on the richter
    scale kills more than 261 people
  • my first day in nursery

    my first day in nursery the nursery was called ROOTS
  • electionsare

    electionsare held to replace yasser Firafat
  • london hit by islamic terrorist

    london hit by islamic terrorist
    london hit by islamic terrorist bom bing killing 52 and wounding about 700 it is britarns warst atakes sirre
  • the first day of school

    the first day of school was in GREEN VALLY SCHOOL
  • japan prinsess

    japan prinsess
    japan prinsess kiko gives birth to the first male to the role family in more than 40 years
  • the space shatle

    the space shatle
    the space shatle in atlantes is louched with crew of seven on a assemble misson totne intenationale space stetina
  • when we moved

    we moved to a new house in ORABI in Egypt
  • johanna sigurdard

    johanna sigurdard
    johanna sigurdard ottir takes office as ice lands first femal prime minester
  • the united states

    the united states
    the united states finds more than 1$ trilon in miheral resourse in the mountens
  • my first best friend in SAUDI

    my first time to have a best frind in SAUDI
  • moved to a new house in saidi

    I moved to a new house in SAUDI ARABIA the compound was called AL HAMRA COMPOUND
  • moved to SAUDI ARABIA

    I moved to saudi arabia from EGYPT