Salem Witch Trials Timeline

  • Samuel Parris preaches in Salem Village

  • Samuel Parris is hired as Salem Village minister

  • Joseph Porter, Joseph Hutchinson, Joseph Putnam, Daniel Andrew and Francis Nurse become the elected majority to the Salem Village committee.

  • Multiple young girls in Salem fall ill

  • The village physician concludes the girls were bewitched

  • A cake is baked to identify the witches

  • Sarah Good, and Osborne are arrested for suspicion of witchcraft

  • Tituba confesses to witchcraft

  • People begin major accusations against each other

  • Bridget Bishop is the first person to be hanged

  • Sarah Good, Elizabeth Howe, Sarah Wilds, Susannah Martin and Rebecca Nurse are hanged on Gallows Hill.

  • George Burroughs, John Proctor, George Jacobs Sr., John Willard and Martha Carrier are hanged on Gallows Hill.

  • Nine people accused are tried and condemned by the court.

  • Gov. Phips pardons the remaining accused of witchcraft.