Safavid Empire - Shasina McDuffie

  • 1501

    Start of the Safavid Empire

    Start of the Safavid Empire
    -Ismail I declares independence from ottomans when they outlawed Shi'ah Islam and appoints himself Shah Imam
    - Announces Shiism as state religion
  • 1510

    All of Iran is conquered by the safavids

  • 1514

    Battle of Chaldrian

    Battle of Chaldrian
    Selim the grim (ottoman Turks) & Ismail fight over religion
    - The ottomans won, this destroyed the thought that the Shah was infallible & semi-divine
  • 1524

    End of Shah Ismail's Rule

  • Period: 1524 to 1576

    Tahmasp rule

    • Tahmasp (Ismail's son) expanded the Safavid empire to Caucasus mountains east of turkey.
    • He brought Christians under Safavid rule & laid groundwork for the golden age of the Safavid empire
  • 1548

    Capitol was moved to Quizen

  • Period: to

    Shah Abbas Rule

    • Shah Abbas is considered the greatest ruler of the Safavid empire
      • He came into power after predecessor resigned
      • An established culture of the Safavid ( mix of ottoman, Persian, and Arab culture)
      • He also reformed the government and military which promoted loyal and competent officials
  • Shaj Mosque was built

    Shaj Mosque was built
    • During Abbas rule many mosques and were built, and rebuilt the capitol of Isfahan and made it better looking
  • Period: to

    Shah Abbas II

  • Shah Sultan Husayn

    Shah Sultan Husayn
    He was described as the most incompetent shah and aided in the demise of the Safavid empire.
  • Hotaki Invasion

    Safavid invaded by Hotaki dynasty & was beat but later regained control
  • Ottomans invaded & conquered west of Safavid empire

    Ottomans invaded & conquered west of Safavid empire
  • End of Safavid empire with death of Abbas III

    End of Safavid empire with death of Abbas III
  • Some Historians date the end of the Safavid empire with the death of Nader Shah