Saenz Vocabulary Timeline

By alma.s
  • Rationalize

    "Then I began to rationalize" ( Lesley Choyce , 3)
    make (a company, process, or industry) more efficient by reorganizing it in such a way as to dispense with unnecessary personnel or equipment.
  • Assidious

    A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket "The owner of Lucky Smells Lumbermill expects you to be both assiduous and dilligent." (Snicket 17) showing great care and perseverance.
  • Jubilant

    The Looking Glass War ¨The city was in the midst of a jubilant gala.¨ (Beddor,11)feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.
  • Glide

    The Color of My Words by Lynn Joseph "Watching him step and spin and glide across the porch." Move with a smooth continuous motion, typically with little noise.
  • Lunged

    Snitch by Norah McClintock
    ¨Sully took one look at me and lunged.¨ (McClintock 14)
    Any sudden forward movement; plunge.
  • Confined

    Running the Risk Lesley Choyce
    "Instead of being confined ..."(Park 57)
    Restricted in area or volume; cramped.
  • Stumbled

    A Job From Hell "Several times i stumbled over stones and almost fell, but i kept walking up the hill." (Jayde Scott 34)
    Definition: Trip or momentarily lose one's balance; almost fall.
  • Cobblestones

    A Job From Hell 'The pale cobblestones,scrubbed from years of heay rain," (Scott 63) A small, round stone of a kind formerly used to cover road surfaces.
  • Burglary

    A Job From Hell +Jayde Scott "Probably just hysteria at at the outlook of burglary." (Scott 60) Entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.
  • Dilapidated

    A Job From Hell+Jayde Scott
    "And then I found myself staring at the dilapidated hut."(Scott 90) a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect.
  • Clutching

    A Job From Hell- Jayde Scott
    "I snuggled under the covers and fell asleep ,clutching Cameron's picture to my chest."
    -Grasp or seize (something) tightly or eagerly.
  • Groaning

    A Job From Hell - pg 235 -255 "Groaning,I dropped back on the bed." (Scott )
    -denoting a deep inarticulate sound conveying pain, despair, pleasure, etc.
  • Havoc

    A Job From Hell- pgs 268-275 ".....Cameron whein Iremembered in all the havoc I hadn't texted him back yet." (Scott 264) -widespread destruction.
  • Wafted

    A Job From Hell "Hot waves of anger wafted from her as her heart thumped in her chest ..."(Scott 274)
    -pass or cause to pass easily or gently through or as if through the air.
  • Lurched

    A Job From Hell "She Lurched forward and poured the glass of water over my head..."(Scott 275)
    -make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements; stagger.
  • Flinched

    A Job From Hell
    "..eyes widening when I didn't flinch..."
    -Make a quick, nervous movement of the face or body as an instinctive reaction to surprise, fear or pain.
  • Entity

    A Job From Hell "...shapeless entity pierced nails into her battered body." (Scott 295) -A thing with distinct and independent existence.
  • Flogged

    A Job From Hell "I flogged my whip at he entity.."(Scott 295)
    -Beat (someone) with a whip or stick as punishment or torture.
  • Endure

    A Job From Hell "I bit my lip and forced myself to endure their touch." (Scott 297)
    -Suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently.
  • Complexion

    A Job From Hell "My gaze studying his chalky pale complexion."(Scott 317)
    -the natural color, texture, and appearance of a person's skin, especially of the face.
  • Brief (353)

    Brief (353)
    A Job From Hell -pgs 331-353
    I accompanied Cass to the door and gave her a brief hug.." (Scott 353)
    -Of short duration.
  • Conjure

    A Job From Hell- pg 392 -"Who shall I conjure? Elvis? Marilyn Monroe?
    You name it? " -Call upon (a spirit or ghost) to appear, by means of a magic ritual.
  • Eager

    A Job From Hell -pgs 366- 407
    "Eager to get some sleep,I closed my eyes ..." (407)
    -(of a person) Wanting to do or have something very much.
  • Gargoyles (412)

    Gargoyles (412)
    A Job From Hell - pgs 404-412 "...Stone gargoyles covered in ancient symbols.." (Scott 412 ) -In architecture, a gargoyle is a carved or formed grotesque with a spout designed to convey water from a roof and away from the side of a building
  • Lethargy

    Burned- pg(s) 1-4 "Kalona hated the unnatural weakness in his voice and the strange lethargy..." (Cast 3) -A lack of energy and enthusiasm.
  • Croissants

    A Job From Hell- pg 413 -"Angel returned carrying a breakfast tray with croissants, butter and cream, then disappeared again to get the coffee." (Scott 413) -A French crescent-shaped roll made of sweet flaky pastry, often eaten for breakfast.
  • Surging

    A Job From Hell pgs 417-End "...rage surging within my veins, making me roar."(Scott 473) -(of an emotion or feeling) Affect someone powerfully and suddenly.
  • Summons (89)

     Summons (89)
    Booty Call "But that would have to wait until after our mysterious summons..." (Booth 89) -Authoritatively or urgently call on (someone) to be present, especially as a defendant or witness in a law court.