
  • Period: to


    Acting as guide and interpreter for Lewis and Clark.
    Explorer, interpreter, and guide.
  • Sacagawea

    In 1804, an expedition led by Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark arrived near to where Sacagawea lived.
  • sacagawea

    In April of 1805 the expedition headed out. Sacagawea had given birth to a son that winter named Jean Baptiste. She brought him along, carrying him in a cradleboard tied to her back. He was only two months old.
  • sacagawea

    It took Sacagawea and the expedition most of the next spring and summer to return home. Not much is known of her life after this. Some historians think that she died just a few years later of a fever on December 20, 1812.
  • sacagawea

    Others say that she returned home to the Shoshone and lived for another seventy years and died on April 9, 1884.