San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/life/food/watch_what_kids_eat_at_school_101110354.html' target="blank">Smart Choices: Watch what kids eat at school</a> -
San Antonio Express VLOG
Healthy Schools Summit -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/Superintendents-pledge-to-battle-childhood-obesity-714033.php' target="blank" >Superintendents pledge to battle kids' obesity</a> -
NSIDE Magazine
<a href='http://www.getnside.com/sa/magazine/business/current/profiles/1691-food_for_thought/' target="blank">Food For Thought</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/Salad-days-on-the-rise-at-S-A-schools-871804.php' target="blank">Salad days on the rise at S.A. schools</a> -
Texas Dietetic Association
TDA Legislative Platform -
SAISD Insider
Salad bars and even more healthier choices to sprout up in SAISD -
Let's Move
<a href='http://www.letsmove.gov/blog/2011/01/20/salad-bars-and-healthy-menus-sprout-in-san-antonio/' target="blank">Salad Bars and Healthy Menus Sprout in San Antonio</a> -
<a href='http://www.ksat.com/education/26576339/detail.html' target="blank">Salad Bars To Show Up At Area Schools</a> -
Univision 41
Texas Public Radio
<a href='http://www.tpr.org/news/2011/01/news1101243.html' target="blank">Schools Get Free Salad Bars</a> -
Salad Bar story -
Kens 5
Changes to the school lunch menu kids may not like -
Magic 101.9
Salad Bar story -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/S-A-set-to-start-taking-steps-away-from-obesity-999291.php' target="blank">San Antonio set to start taking steps away from obesity</a> -
Let's Move
Let’s Move! Cities and Towns Call with Mayors from San Antonio and Flint, Michigan -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/First-lady-touts-anti-obesity-effort-1003964.php' target="blank">First lady touts anti-obesity effort</a> -
Northside Newsletter
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/City-s-honchos-are-fit-to-lead-1015079.php' target="blank">City's honchos are fit to lead</a> -
Texas Public Radio - The Source
<a href='http://www.tpr.org/programs/thesource.html' target="blank">Dealing with Obesity & Diabetes</a> -
Texas Public Radio - Town Hall
<a href='http://www.tpr.org/articles/2011/03/townhall-obesity.html' target="blank">Obesity & Diabetes</a> -
San Antonio Dietetic Association
SADA Hot bites newsletter: Por Vida Healthy Restaurant Initiative -
Metro Health - Health e-News
Healthy School Meals Workshop -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/education/article/NEISD-parents-target-health-course-1230228.php#page-1' target="blank">NEISD parents target health course</a> -
<a href='http://www.hhs.gov/recovery/' target="blank">Salad Bars and Healthy Menus Sprout in San Antonio</a> -
<a href='http://www.hhs.gov/recovery/' target="_blank">Salad Bars and Healthy Menus Sprout in San Antonio</a> -
<a href='http://ihpr.uthscsa.edu/sites/ihpr-drupal/files/IHPRspring2011.pdf' target="blank">San Antonio Makes Big Push to Thwart Latina Childhood Obesity</a> -
<a href='http://ihpr.uthscsa.edu/sites/ihpr-drupal/files/IHPRspring2011.pdf' target="_blank">San Antonio Makes Big Push to Thwart Latina Childhood Obesity</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local_news/article/HHS-secretary-hears-about-local-anti-obesity-1369608.php#ixzz1NCF5c2g1' target="blank">Sebelius lauds S.A.'s anti-obesity efforts</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local_news/article/HHS-secretary-hears-about-local-anti-obesity-1369608.php#ixzz1NCF5c2g1' target="_blank">Sebelius lauds S.A.'s anti-obesity efforts</a> -
The HHS Secretary’s News Briefing
Sebelius Helps Promote Anti-Obesity Program In Texas -
The HHS Secretary’s News Briefing
Sebelius Helps Promote Anti-Obesity Program In Texas -
Kens 5
<a href='http://www.kens5.com/news/San-Antonio-schools-step-up-cafeteria-fare-122259204.html' target="blank" >San Antonio steps up cafeteria fare in local schools</a> -
Kens 5
<a href='http://www.kens5.com/news/San-Antonio-schools-step-up-cafeteria-fare-122259204.html' target="_blank" >San Antonio steps up cafeteria fare in local schools</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/life/food/article/Ideas-that-promote-Healthy-Flavors-Healthy-Kids-1387504.php' target="blank">Ideas that promote Healthy Flavors, Healthy Kids</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/life/food/article/Ideas-that-promote-Healthy-Flavors-Healthy-Kids-1387504.php' target="_blank">Ideas that promote Healthy Flavors, Healthy Kids</a> -
Cox Radio 106.7 @ 6 a.m
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Cox Radio KONO @ 6:30 a.m
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Cox Radio Y100 @ 6 a.m.
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Cox Radio KISS 99.5 @ 7:30 a.m.
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Cox Radio KSMG 105.3 @ 7:30 a.m.
Cox Radio KISS 99.5 @ 7:30 a.m. -
Cox Radio 106.7 @ 6 a.m.
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Cox Radio KONO @ 6:30 a.m
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Cox Radio Y100 @ 6 a.m
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Cox Radio KISS 99.5 @ 7:30 a.m.
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Cox Radio KSMG 105.3 @ 7:30 a.m.
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Rachel Ray's yum-o website
<a href='http://yum-o.org/news.php?id=54' target="blank">Yum-o! Director Attends Healthy Flavors, Healthy Kids Kick-off Summit</a> -
City Newsletter
Let's Move Salad Bars to Schools -
PeakLifeSA Magazine
San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro Leads the City to Health -
KABB - Foxx
Focus on South Texas -
KABB - Foxx
Focus on South Texas -
To Your Good Health show
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
To Your Good Health show
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
<a href='http://www.savorsa.com/2011/08/san-antonio-one-of-top-three-u-s-cities-with-school-salad-bars/' target="_blank">San Antonio One of Top Three U.S. Cities with School Salad Bars</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/Public-housing-focuses-on-public-health-2154913.php' target="_blank">Public housing focuses on public health</a> -
PeakLifeSA Magazine
San Antonio Schools Add 100 Salad Bars -
TDA Legislative Update
What City in Texas employs a Registered /Licensed Dietitian? -
NEISD Newsletter
<a href='http://www.neisd.org/ComRel/News/JacksonFuelUptoPlay.htm' target="_blank">Jackson, NFL and Dairy Max Celebrate Nutrition</a> -
KABB - Foxx
<a href='http://mms.tveyes.com/Transcript.asp?StationID=2320&DateTime=9%2F20%2F2011+9%3A24%3A28+PM&Term=Metro+Health&PlayClip=TRUE' target="_blank">Fuel Up to Play 60</a> -
Kens 5
<a href='http://www.kens5.com/news/health/San-Antonio-student-told-to-Fuel-Up-to-Play-60-130217408.html' target="_blank">San Antonio kids told to "Fuel Up to Play 60"</a> -
MYSA - Students going green at lunch
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/Students-going-green-at-lunch-2206449.php' target="_blank">Students going green at lunch</a>