San Antonio Dietetic Association
SADA Hot bites newsletter: Community Nutrition Projects -
SADA - Hot Bites Newsletter (page 6)
<a href='http://sabalance.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=roouSGEXA94=&tabid=155&mid=1151' target="blank">SADA Newsletter</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/sacultura/delicious_tamales_at_30_102451889.html' target="_blank"> -
The White House
http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2010/09/14/remarks-first-lady-congressional-hispanic-caucus-institute Remarks by the First Lady to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute -
City of San Antonio Employee News
San Antonio is a healthier place to live & work! -
City of San Antonio Employee News
<a href='http://sabalance.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=JUzDqDhAxl0%3d&tabid=155&mid=1151' target="_blank">San Antonio is a healthier place to live and work!</a> -
Metro Health Media Advisory
San Antonio Metropolitan Health District Launches Por Vida with Local Restaurants and Dieticians to Offer Healthy and Tasty Menu Items -
<a href='http://sabalance.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=70hDP9gId3U%3d&tabid=155&mid=1151' target="_blank" >San Antonio Metropolitan Health District Launches ¡Por Vida! with Local Restaurants and Dieticians to Offer Healthy and Tasty Menu Items</a> -
San Antonio Business Journal
<a href='http://www.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/stories/2010/10/04/daily41.html' target="_blank"> San Antonio eateries join Healthy Restaurants Coalition </a>San Antonio eateries join Healthy Restaurants Coalition -
San Antonio Express News VLOG
Por Vida Healthy Menus -
KSAT12 5pm News - Por Vida -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/health/ordering_better_off_the_menu_104892439.html' target="blank"><br> New program encourages menu smarts</a>New program encourages menu smarts -
<a href='http://www.savorsa.com/?s=por+vida' target="blank"> Por Vida - Helping You Eat Healthier, So You Can Live Bette</a> -
Northwest Weekly
New program encourages menu smarts -
Newswest Weekly
Metro Health Media Advisory
Metro Health Continues to Receive Positive National Attention for Anti-Obesity Initiatives -
San Antonio Business Journal
<a href='http://www.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/news/2010/10/27/washington-takes-notes-of-san.html' target="blank">Washington takes notes of San Antonio's efforts to fight obesity</a> -
American Dietetic Association: Eat Right Weekly
San Antonio Members launch Restaurant Health Initiative -
<a href='http://sabalance.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=gviRzwpbRQI%3d&tabid=155&mid=1151' target="blank">Metro Health Continues to Receive Positive NationalAttention for Anti-Obesity Initiatives</a> -
Eat Right
<a href='http://sabalance.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=ssAhLzYXRcc%3d&tabid=155&mid=1151' target="_blank">San Antonio Members Launch Restaurant Health Initiative</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/life/food/healthy_city_goals_off_to_a_good_start_107322628.html?showFullArticle=y' target="blank" >Smart Choices: Healthy city goals off to a good start</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/life/food/a_leaner_tamal_and_health_toys_this_season_109055769.html?showFullArticle=y' target="blank">Healthy Living: A leaner tamal and health toys this season</a> -
San Antonio Dietetic Association
SADA Hot bites newsletter: President Letter -
Restaurantville Monthly
<a href='http://www.mydigitalpublication.com/publication/?i=54925' target="blank" >San Antonio Healthy Dining Coalition Expands</a> -
To Your Good Health show
<a href='http://sanantonio.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=21' target="blank">To Your Good Health show - December 2010</a> -
Texas Dietetic Association
TDA Legislative Platform -
Texas Dietetic Association (page 3)
<a href='http://sabalance.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=EKOpnbhUBxw=&tabid=155&mid=1151' target="_blank">President Obama’s and First Lady’s Anti-Obesity Initiative Support Reaches San Antonio</a> -
Let's Move
<a href='http://www.letsmove.gov/blog/2011/01/20/salad-bars-and-healthy-menus-sprout-san-antonio' target="blank">Salad Bars and Healthy Menus Sprout in San Antonio</a> -
La Prensa de San Antonio
McDonald's Executive Chef visits San Antonio to launch Fruit & Maple Oatmeal -
La Prensa de San Antonio
<a href='http://sabalance.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=Jo_wdFRKN50%3d&tabid=155&mid=1151' target="_blank">McDonald’s Executive Chef visits SanAntonio to launch Fruit & Maple Oatmeal</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/S-A-set-to-start-taking-steps-away-from-obesity-999291.php' target="blank"> San Antonio set to start taking steps away from obesity</a> -
Let's Move
<a href='http://www.letsmove.gov/' targer="blank"> Let’s Move! Cities and Towns Call with Mayors from San Antonio and Flint, Michigan</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/First-lady-touts-anti-obesity-effort-1003964.php' targer="blank">First lady touts anti-obesity effort</a> -
Texas Public Radio - The Source
Texas Public Radio - Town Hall
<a href='http://www.tpr.org/articles/2011/03/townhall-obesity.html' target="blank"> Obesity & Diabetes</a> -
San Antonio Dietetic Association
SADA Hot bites newsletter: Por Vida Healthy Restaurant Initiative -
Por Vida - Egg & I -
Metro Health Media Advisory
The Egg & I Joins Por Vida Program Adds Healthy Dishes to Menu -
San Antonio Business Journal
<a href='http://www.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/news/2011/03/23/egg-i-develops-healthier-menu-to.html' target="blank">Egg & I develops healthier menu to fight childhood obesity in San Antonio</a> -
<a href='http://www.woai.com/news/local/story/Restaurant-meets-healthier-kids-menu-challenge/33scYmGPWk29LTK5OEmBPg.cspx' target="blank">Por Vida - Egg & I</a> -
La Prensa de San Antonio
The Egg & I joins city's Por Vida program -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/community/southside/news/article/The-Egg-I-restaurant-joins-Por-Vida-Program-1313068.php' target="blank">The Egg & I restaurant joins Por Vida Program</a> -
San Antonio Express News
Dietitian of the Year -
Dietitian Award
<a href='http://sabalance.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=5ROZq4Sp5wY%3d&tabid=155&mid=1151' target="_blank">Dietitian Award</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/Kathleen-Shields-wins-the-Bluebonnet-Award-1351835.php' target="blank"> Kathleen Shields wins the Bluebonnet Award</a> -
<a href='http://www.saludtoday.com/blog/?p=1955' target="blank"> San Antonio Restaurants Buying into Healthier Menu Program</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/enie/article/Por-Vida-Program-encourages-healthy-food-1356466.php' target="blank"> ¡Por Vida! Program encourages healthy food choices</a> -
San Antonio Business Journal
<a href='http://www.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/print-edition/2011/04/29/around-town.html ' target="blank"> Advancing Nutrition</a> -
<a href='http://www.hhs.gov/recovery/' target="blank">Salad Bars and Healthy Menus Sprout in San Antonio</a> -
<a href='http://ihpr.uthscsa.edu/sites/ihpr-drupal/files/IHPRspring2011.pdf' target="blank">San Antonio Makes Big Push to Thwart Latina Childhood Obesity</a> -
Kens 5
<a href='http://www.kens5.com/news/health/Obesity-Prevention-Program-highlighted-121403489.html' target="blank">S.A. awarded $15M grant to support 'Por Vida' obesity program</a> -
San Antonio Express News
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local_news/article/HHS-secretary-hears-about-local-anti-obesity-1369608.php#ixzz1NCF5c2g1' target="blank">Sebelius lauds S.A.'s anti-obesity efforts</a> -
Texas Public Radio
The HHS Secretary’s News Briefing
Sebelius Helps Promote Anti-Obesity Program In Texas -
Diabetes Expo
<a href='http://www.diabetes.org/in-my-community/expo/san-antonio-expo-2011/' target="blank">Por Vida - Healthy Restaurants</a> -
Cox Radio 106.7 @ 6 a.m.
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Cox Radio KONO @ 6:30 a.m.
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Cox Radio Y100 @ 6 a.m
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Cox Radio KISS 99.5 @ 7:30 a.m.
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
Cox Radio KSMG Magic 105.3 @ 7:30 a.m.
Find Your Balance / Por Vida -
KSAH Spanish radio
Por Vida night at the Missions -
WOAI - SA Living morning show
<a href='http://www.woai.com/mediacenter/local.aspx?videoid=2506979' target="blank">Por Vida Night at the Missions</a> -
Texas Public Radio
Por Vida night at the Missions -
Kens 5 - Great Day SA
<a href='http://www.kens5.com/great-day-sa/Better-eating-habits-for-life-123389663.html' target="blank">Por Vida night at the Missions</a> -
Eating Well
<a href=' http://www.eatingwell.com/food_news_origins/food_news/eatingwell_interviews_director_of_the_centers_for_disease_control' target="blank">Fighting for Health</a> -
The Mission Defender
Por Vida night at the Missions -
Metro Health Media Advisory
Metro Health Brings ¡Por Vida! to Missions Baseball Fans -
Cox Radio KSMG Magic105.3
Por Vida night at the Missions -
News 4 - WOAI
<a href='http://mms.tveyes.com/Transcript.asp?StationID=2315&DateTime=6%2F3%2F2011+1%3A21%3A50+AM&Term=Metro+Health&PlayClip=TRUE' target="blank">Promoting Ways to Eat Healthy</a> -
Southside Reporter
<a href='http://www.mysanantonio.com/community/southside/news/article/Por-Vida-promotes-healthy-eating-at-Missions-game-1413510.php' target="blank">Por Vida promotes healthy eating at Missions game</a> -
CDC - Evaluation Newsletter
San Antonio, TX: Healthy Food Promotion at Youth Camps: Por Vida -
Latina Style Magazine
<a href='http://latinastyle.com/magazine/14/columns-departaments/%20punto-final/1/' target="blank">¡Punto Final!</a> -
KABB - Foxx
Focus on South Texas -
To Your Good Health show
Find Your Balance / Por Vida