Rylee Baumbach Life Timeline

  • I WAS BORN!!!!

    I WAS BORN!!!!
    Born at Spectrum Hospital 8 days late. I was 7lbs 6oz and 19.5 inches long.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina caused 1,800 fatalities and 125 billion dollars in damages.
  • I could eat solid food

    I could eat solid food
    I was finally able to eat normal food instead of gross bottles or baby food.
  • Started to walk

    Started to walk
    Being on a move definitely made my parents need to always watch me around the house.
  • Started talking

    Started talking
    First word was mommy, but now I can say more and I was a really talkative baby.
  • Mom started at-home daycare

    Mom started at-home daycare
    My mom has been doing at-home daycare since 2008 and I, even at a young age, loved to play and care for all the little babies.
  • Taught myself how to ride a bike without training wheels

    Taught myself how to ride a bike without training wheels
  • Started Kindergarten

    Started Kindergarten
    Mrs. Morell was my kindergarten teacher and I loved being able to go to school with my friends everyday.
  • First ever sleepover

    First ever sleepover
    Growing up I never liked sleepovers a lot. I would always prefer my bed over the ground or someone else's bed.
  • 1st ever plane ride

    1st ever plane ride
    We went to Florida to go see my grandparents
  • Starter piano lessons

    Starter piano lessons
    I went to Julie Dykes house and she taught me piano. I was nervous at first
  • Started playing volleyball

    Started playing volleyball
    I played for the 4/5/6 ers and soon would play for dead frogs
  • Started Babysitting- First Job

    Started Babysitting- First Job
    I started babysitting for families in my neighborhood. I loved kids when I was little which is probably why I love them now and want to become an elementary teacher!
  • Quit Piano

    Quit Piano
    I quit since I was playing volleyball, which I later quit, and softball, which I also later quit. I wish I stayed with it though.
  • Got My First Phone

    Got My First Phone
    I was in middle school. I remember it was an i-phone 8. I was so excited
  • uncle doug died

    uncle doug died
    My Uncle Doug Died, from an overdose, which tore my world apart. I was too young to understand why, but now I always wish someone would have done something to help him.
  • Got my dog Cassius!

    Got my dog Cassius!
    We finally got a family dog. We love taking him on walks and loving him.
  • Got my permit

    Got my permit
    I went to Century Driving School with Jocelyn Heyboer and we passed our test to be able to drive with our parents.
  • Covid

    Covid for everyone, especially highschooler, changed everyone's world around.
  • Got my first actual job

    Got my first actual job
    I started working at sweet rewards and loved it. I still work there in the summers
  • School Shooting in Oxford Michigan

    School Shooting in Oxford Michigan
    Any school shooting is sad, but since this one was so close to home it impacted us more.
  • I am finally a senior

    I am finally a senior
    I have waited to be in this spot, which is more stressful than I thought. I am currently applying to Michigan State, Western, and Grand Valley and hope to get into one to pursue my education as an elementary teacher.