Russian timeline

  • 800

    Scandinavian warriors

    Scandinavian warriors
    Scandinavian warriors, also known as Varangians, and Slavs settled near the Volga and Dnieper River.
  • 1200


    The Mongols invade Kiev, they proceed to rule this area for over 200 years. They destroyed numerous cities, some of the most known being, Ryazan, Moscow, and Vladimir.
  • 1470

    Ivan III "The Great"

    Ivan III "The Great"
    Ivan the Great ended Mongol rule over Russia and expanded their territory. Ivan completed the unification of Russian lands and his reign marked the beginning of Muscovite Russia. Ivan is best known for the consolidation of Muscovite rule.
  • 1530

    Ivan IV "The Terrible"

    Ivan IV "The Terrible"
    Ivan the Terrible was Russia's first czar. During his reign, Ivan gained vast amounts of land through ruthless ways. Despite his ruthless ways, he created a centrally controlled government.
  • Peter I "The Great"

    Peter I "The Great"
    Peter the Great had many plans for Russia, a few being, to enlarge territory, build a stronger military, and build a new capital. Peter developed new trade partners with Western Europe and moved the capital to St. Petersburg. Peter also created the "window to the west" which exemplified his idea of "Western" vision for Russia.
  • Czar Alexander II

    Czar Alexander II
    Czar Alexander brought Russification, this encouraged people to speak Russian and follow the Orthodox community. During this time workers sought for Socialism, the belief that calls for greater economic equality. Alexander was also referred to as "czar liberator" as he freed the serfs.
  • Bolsheviks

    The Bolsheviks were a group that believed in Communism, this group was led by Vladimir Lenin. In 1917 the Bolsheviks seized control from Czar Nicholas II. Vladimir Lenin continued to lead the group and spread the word of Communism.
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
    Stalin was known for governing Russia with an "iron fist". He eliminated those who disagreed with any of his policies and by the end he had killed 20-25 million Russians. In WWII he defeated Hitler, but after he demanded half of Europe.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev
    Gorbachev assumed power in 1985. He was reform minded and used Perestroika and Glasnost. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace for his leadership role in ending the Cold War.
  • Vladimir Putin

    Vladimir Putin
    Putin became president in 1999. He is known for many things, such as, stabilizing the economy and joining NATO. His first elected successor was Dmitry Medvedev.