Russian Revolution Timeline

By dalek15
  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • Czar Nicholas is Crowned

    Czar Nicholas is Crowned
    Czar Alexander dies from a sudden illness and his son Nicholas is crowned Czar
  • Bolsheviks and Mensheviks

    The Russian Social-Democratic Party splits into two groups, the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. The mensheviks wanted a Western Europe style goverment while the Bolsheviks wanted a Socialst style goverment
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    The russo-japanese war was a war fought between the Russians and Japanese. The russians lost badly due to outdated tactics and wepons.
  • The Revolution of 1905

    The Revolution of 1905
    The revolution of 1905 breaks out after the events on Bloody Sunday, in which hundreds of peacful protesters were shot. This caused more people to protest and riot around the country.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Hundreds of peacful protesters, led by Georgy Gapon, were fired upon by the winter palece gaurds and many fell dead. This sparked the Revolution of 1905.
  • Georgy Gapon

    Georgy Gapon was the leader of the protesters on Bloody Sunday. He was wounded and left the country. He was eventualy hung by the revolutinaries.
  • October Manifesto

    The october manifesto was a document signed by Nicholas the 2nd to promise civil liberties and a parlement.
  • Duma

    The duma was a parlement hired by Nicholas the 2nd to help make decisions. He fired all of them but they still met during the provisinal goverment.
  • WW1

    This is the day WW1 started. This was also the day Russia got involved in the war.
  • Rasputin

    Rasputin was a sexual abuser and a docter who cured the Czars son yet also commited horrible crimes while in power when Nicholas was away. He was later murdured on December 17th, 1916.
  • Czar Nicholas Abticates

    This is the day in whixh Czar Nicholas gives up the throne and he and his family run off. His brother refuses to take the throne. Nicholas and his family are later killed. The Provisinal goverment is formed
  • Alexander Kreskey

    Alexander Kreskey is the leader of the Provisinal Goverment. He was also a member of the Duma.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    The bolsheviks take over Petrograd and the Provisinal goverment is all but drove out.
  • Treaty of Breast-Litovsk

    Treaty of Breast-Litovsk
    The Treaty of Breast-Litovsk was a treaty between Russia and Germany. This got Russia out of WW1
  • Russian Civil War Begins

    Russian Civil War Begins
    The Russian Civil War begins
  • Russian Civil War ends

    Russian Civil War ends
    This is the day the Russian Civil War ends leaving Lenin and the Communists the winners
  • USSR is formed

    USSR is formed
    After Lenin retires from politics after a stroke, the USSR is formed. The USSR is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  • Stalin Takes Over

    Lenin passes away and Stalin takes over the USSR.