Russian Revolution Timeline

By Emf1575
  • Nicholas II becomes Czar of Russia

    He became in charge of Russia. After an upset form his father dying he recovered and took control.
  • Centuries of autocratic rule by the czars

    They wanted the ruler to be over just one man. There were about 1.8 million people that the one ruler would have to rule and account for.
  • Dissatisfied workers organize strike 7

    They had many Jon opportunity’s in Russia but the work conditions were very bad and harsh. The workers took a stand.
  • Russia loses war with Japan

    The Russian and Japanese empire argued over who should get what parts of Manchuria and Korea. Japan ending up wining in 1905.
  • Revolution of 1905—Bloody Sunday

    A massacre in St.Peterburg Russia. This started the hard and violent time period in Russia and acrossed the world.
  • Russia enters World War I

    Three days after Austria-Hungary decided to declare war against Serbia. They sent a warning to attack Serbia and it all started from there.
  • Civil War between Red and White Armies

    These were the groups of Russians fighting against each other. One was the Red army and one was the White army. White army opposed the communists.
  • March Revolution

    One of two parts that led to ending the Tsarist autocracy. But, this started the start of the Soviet Union.
  • Provisional government is established

    There was many food storages and problems in Russia. This resulting in helping the economy and people of Russia. The country was formally constituted.
  • Revolutionary movements begin and compete for power

    This all started a huge war between the people of Russia. People were unhappy with the way Russia was ran and all the unfair decisions being made. This started long had hard power competition.
  • Russia is organized into several self-governing republics

    They didn’t have a warning. The Bolshevik Revolution decided to go over the government officials and arrest the leaders of the provisional government. This then started the self governing republics.
  • Czar Nicholas abdicates the throne

    The ruler of Russia, he was forced to give up his thrown so the provincial government could take his spot.
  • Bolshevik Revolution topples provisional government

    The professional government, resolving monarchy status.
  • Lenin Returns to Russia

    The Germans saw Lenin as a threat to Germany and winning the war. They forced him to go back to Russia.
  • Bolsheviks change name to Communist Party

    The decided to change the name of Bolsheviks, Stalin’s decided and suggested it. This was during a party.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ends Russia’s involvement in WWI

    In Russia in the location of Brest-Litovsk, located in modern-day Belarus near the Polish border. They designed a treaty with Russia, Austria-Hungary and the other central powers. This ended the participation and enrollment in World War 1.
  • Lenin establishes New Economic Policy (NEP)

    Lenin put off on creating a stage controlled government. He decided that he was going to use capitalism to control his people. This let many business have there own ownership.
  • Lenin suffers stroke

    He got sick and had a stroke. He ended up recovering and then having to deal with who would lead the communist party.
  • Stalin becomes Dictator

    When Stalin became a figure in Russia he was chose to run. He became the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Then died in 1953.