
Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Raputin Assassinated

    Raputin Assassinated
    Because of how much power and influence that Raputin had accumulated so quickly, several nobles decided to assassinate him, first trying to poison him, then shooting him, then shooting him again, then beating him, and finally drowing him.
  • Petrigrad Soviet Formed

  • Czar Nicholas II Abdicates the Throne

    Nicholas had neither the desire, nor the aptitude to rule. He made very poor decisions, like getting into multiple costly wars, that turned his people against him. As more and more of the working class people began striking, the Czar was forced to give up the throne.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
  • Lenin Returns to Russia

    Lenin Returns to Russia
  • Communists Control Russia

  • Storming of the Winter Palace

  • Period: to

    Russian Civil War

  • Lenin Signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    This is the treat that officially ended Russia's involvement in WWI. The reason it was signed was because Germany and Hungary were threatening to attack Russia if they didn't. Plus, it allowed the tired and war-torn country a little bit of time to recuperate from the recent revolutions.
  • Royal Family Murdered