Rasputin Assassinated
On December 30 of 1916 Rasputin was killed by a group of nobles who wished to end his opinion in the royal family. His assassination consisted of an attempted poisioning in his food and wine, being shot, beaten, then thrown into a frozen river. It is now shown after many years that yes he was physically hurt by the gun shots and marks from being beaten, but being thrown in the river was his ultimate reason of passing due to water found in the lungs from drowning. -
Russian Civil War (Timeframe)
March Revolution
Petrograd Soviets Formed
Czar Nicholas II Abdicates
Lenin Shipped by Germans to Russia
Bolshevik Revolution (Seizing of Winter Palace)
Russia Becomes Communistic Country
Lenin Signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
This treaty was between Russia and the Central Powers stating that Russia will no longer be apart of World War One. With Lenin back in charge once again, he wanted to end all involvment Russia had with the war due to the concerns on on Russias greater population. In addition, once power was regained from the provisional government by the Bolsheviks (Soviet Group), Lenin strongly believed Russias role in the war needed to be eliminated. -
Royal Family Murdered
A crime and assassintion committed in order to end the three-century-old dynasty of the Romanov family. The family was being held captive and on the 16th night of July they were ordered to go down into the basement. Once they all gathered there a group of men came in and shot them repedatley. Once the shooting was over, the family members who were still alive once the smoke cleared were stabbed to death.