
Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Decembrist Revolution

    Decembrist Revolution
    1. An unsuccessful attempt of uprising from Russian revolutionists.
    2. Proceeded the death of Alexander I.
    3. The revolutionists staged a rebellion to prohibit Nicholas I from taking office.
  • Emancipation of the Serfs

    Emancipation of the Serfs
    1. Alexander the Emancipation Manifesto, which included 17 legislative acts that freed the serfs.
    2. Alexander said that serfdom was prohibited and the now peasants could by land from their landlords.
    3. The emancipation released over 50 million serfs which made up close to half of the Russian population.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    1. The first Revolution of Russia that began with Bloody Sunday.
    2. Displayed an unexpected and humiliating defeat of the Russians from Japan.
    3. The banquet campain for constiutional change started controversy in Russia, which then lead to the revolution.
    4. Lasted from 1904 to 1907.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    1. Kick starts the Revolution of 1905.
    2. A peaceful march in St Petersburg ended upbruptly when police opened fire on the protestors.
    3. The firings killed more than 100 people and injured many more.
  • Russia Enters WWI

    Russia Enters WWI
    1. The Austrian archduck was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in 1914, triggering the start.
    2. Russia joined its allies, Britain and France, and fought Germany and Austria-Hungary.
    3. Russia experienced strain due to the expecation that a quick win would occur. The drawn out war hit Russia economically.
  • Rasputin Murdered

    Rasputin Murdered
    1. Assassinated by a group of Russian noblemen to rid him from the country and court of his exhistence.
    2. They desperately tried to destroy him, but nothing could bring him down, whether it be bullets or beatings.
    3. When his body was found it was determined that he died from drowning, not from any of the attacks.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    1. Riots and strikes broke out in Petrograd.
    2. The protestors shouted the against the war and the shortage of bread.
    3. Many soldiers who were sent to control the protests ending up joining in.
  • Tsar Nicholas II Abdicates

    Tsar Nicholas II Abdicates
    1. Many painful years of political discontent lead Nicholas II to abdicate his throne.
    2. His polocies both at home and abroad caused his abdication.
    3. He and his family were then murdered from Lenin's orders.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    1. Led by the Bolsheviks, who overthrew the government and gave the power to local soviets.
    2. Took over government buildings by the Bolshevik Red Forces under the Military Revolutionary Committee.
    3. On October 25, 1917 the White Palace, which was the capital of Russia at the time, was captured by the Red Force.
  • Murder of the Romanovs

    Murder of the Romanovs
    1. Nicholas II was no longer in power and was put on House arrest by the Provisional Government.
    2. Lenin ordered the death of the Romanovs.
    3. The family was brutaly murdered and the corpeses were burried, burned, and skattered around Yekaterinburg.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    1. Signed in the Palace of Versailles the treaty sealed the end of World War I for all countries.
    2. Known for Russia as the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, signed with Germany and Russia in March 1918, signaled the end of Russian participation in World War I.
    3. The Treaty of Versailles introduced new countries Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia which added to the turmoil of Russia.
  • Lenin Dies/USSR Formed

    Lenin Dies/USSR Formed
    1. The first dictator of the Soviet Union.
    2. Warned the Central Committee of the Communist party of the uprising of Stalin.
    3. Lenin was a driving force behind the Revolution of 1917.
  • Stalin Takes Power/Death of Trotsky

    Stalin Takes Power/Death of Trotsky
    1. Following the death of Lenin Trotsky and Stalin battled for power.
    2. Stalin exiled Trotsky from the Soveit Union and became the dictator.
    3. Stalin's secret officials later murdered Trotsky in Mexico City, Mexico with a hatchet.