
Russian Revolution Time Line

  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    -A group of military official went on a revolt against Tsar Nicholas I.
    - These men felt threatened by the tsars power and they didn't think he deserved the Throne.
    -The rebels wanted a free Russian State and a constitution.
  • Emancipation of the serfs

    Emancipation of the serfs
    -Serfs were treated very inhumanely. Rapes, beatings and torture were a few of the violent ways serfs were treated,
    - The emancipation granted a million people their liberty.
    - It also granted peasents the right to their own land.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    -People started to speak up about the issues in Russia and tried taking it up with the Government.
    -Bloody sunday happened during this time.
    -October Manifesto was a peace treaty created by Tsar Nicholas II; it created rights and liberties for the Russian People.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    • Workers were fed up with the way they were working. Harsh conditons in the factories. Also very long hours.
    • It was a massacre. Poilice fired at the protestors. They killed more than 100 people and also injured them, -This event kept repeating in other cities where people were standing up for what they thought was right.
  • Russia Enters WWI

    Russia Enters WWI
    -Devastating Impact on Russia
    -Rasputin predicted that Russia shouldn't go to war because it would be such a huge devastation to the country
    -entered the first world war with the largest army in the world, 1,400,000 soldiers.
  • Rasputin Murdered

    Rasputin Murdered
    • He was stabbed, shot and beaten, but he died becaues of drowing.
    • Claimed he had healing powers and that he could predict the future. He predicted the outcome of Russia in WWI.
    • viewed as a "Dark Force" that would ruin Russia.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    • 90,000 textile workers went on strike and they protested the shortage of bread and fuel that they were recieving, -Many people started making offensive signs aimed at the Tsar's, this upset the tsar. He sent out military to go shoot the protesters.
    • The army shot their officers and decided to go against the Tsar and join the March Revoltion. At the end of the Revolution more than 400,00 people joined.
  • Tsar Nicholas II Abdicates

    Tsar Nicholas II Abdicates
    -During his rule Russia was defeated in the Russo-Japanese War
    -Was killed first out of all the Romanovs when they were murdered
    -He approved the Russian mobilization to enter WWI in 1914.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    -Czar Nicholas II drug a million peasents into WWI and the Russian people started to become discouraged with the War and predicted that Russian would be in ruins by the end of it.
    - The confidence in their leader (Nicholas II) was slowly draining.
    -The Bolsheviks over threw the provisional Government and created a Marxist Government in Russia. This is when the Bolsheviks took over the country of Russia.
  • Murder of the Romanovs

    Murder of the Romanovs
    • Bolsheviks hated the Romanovs and everything they stood for
    • The family was told there was trouble where they lived so they would be safer down in the basement. The first to be killed was Tsar Nicholas. -The two youngest in the Romanovs were missing when they found the remains of bones.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    -This was created to arrange what the Allies wanted to do to the Central Powers.
    -Many believed that WWII happened because of this famous treaty.
    -Everyone was blaming Germany so they set this Treaty up to get them
  • Lenin Dies/ USSR formed

    Lenin Dies/ USSR formed
    • Lennin Died in 1924 so he made Joesph Stalin the leader of the Soviet Union. -Trostsky was also another runner up for head spot. -Trostsky wanted to spread the revolution but Stalin wanted to secure the revolution in Russia "Socialism in one Country" -Overall Stalin succeeded.
  • Stalin Takes Power/ Death of Trostky

    Stalin Takes Power/ Death of Trostky
    • Trostky was assasinated. -Stalin took Power and formed the USSR
    • When Stalin took power a lot of things changed in Russia.