Russian Revolution through WW2

  • Trans-serbian railway built

    Trans-serbian railway built
    Proposed by Tsar Nicholas II the railway is the largest in the world, railway played a major role in WW2
  • Kuomintang was created

    Kuomintang was created
    The Kuomintang is the Chinese Nationalist Party also one of the major advocates in overthrowing the Qing Dysnasty.
  • Czar Nicholas II Became the Leader of Russia

    Czar Nicholas II Became the Leader of Russia
    Nicholas II would be crowned the last Czar of Russia and he was neither inclined nor trained to rule and would later be abicated in the future.
  • Russian Marxists Split into Mensheviks and Bolsheviks

    Russian Marxists Split into Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
    Followers of Karl Marx split into 2 groups eventually they would go to war with each other.
  • Russp-Japanese War Began

    Russp-Japanese War Began
    "First great war of the 20th century", Russia wanted a warm water port the could operate Port Author but Japan offered to recognize Russian dominance in Manchuria in exchange for recognition of Korea as a Japanese sphere of influence but discussions failed and the Japanese attacked the Russian Eastern fleet at Port Author.
  • Bloody Sunday In Russia

    Bloody Sunday In Russia
    Unarmed protestors came present a petetion toward Tsar Nicholas II were shot at by soldiers of the imperial guard and killing plus wounding hundreds.
  • Albert Einstein creates Theory of Relativity

    Albert Einstein creates Theory of Relativity
    E-MC^2 proved that energy and matter are linked.
  • Sun Yixian Became President of China

    Sun Yixian Became President of China
    Sun a revolutionary in China became the first President of China won 94.11% of the vote he created the three principles of the people.
  • March Revolution in Russia

    March Revolution in Russia
    Members of the Duma took control of the country forming a proviosnal government revolution was in Petrograd.
  • Czar Nicholas II Abidicated

    Czar Nicholas II Abidicated
    Czar Nicholas II is abidicated by Petrograd insurgents, and provincial government is set in his place.
  • Vladmir Lenin becomes leader of Russia

    Vladmir Lenin becomes leader of Russia
    Lenin was a communist revolutionary, led a revolution and would eventually become the leader of Russia and then the premier of the USSR.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    The Bolsheviks organized and dethroned Czar Nicholas I, Leon Trosky is largely credited for starting this revolution, created USSR
  • Russian Civil War Begins

    Russian Civil War Begins
    Multi-party war was fought between Bolshevik Red Army and the White Army that were Mensheviks eventually Red Army wins the war.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Peace treaty between the new Bolshevik government of Russia and the central powers that got Russia out of WW1.
  • May Fourth Movement Began

    May Fourth Movement Began
    Anti-Imperialist movement protestors protested China's bad response to the Treaty Of Versailles which just kept chaning foreign influence it didn't free China from it.
  • The League of Nations was Created

    The League of Nations was Created
    An intergovernmental organisation founded as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War, its primary mission was maintain world peace and other humantarian goals but the LON proved to be incapable of preventing the Axis' agression of power during WW2 and would be dissolved in 1946.
  • Weimar Republic Established in Germany

    Weimar Republic Established in Germany
    After Germany's defeat in WW1 the Weimar Republic was created to replace the Germans imperial government but it was very weak and distrusted by the people of Germany.
  • New Economic Policy Enforced in Russia

    New Economic Policy Enforced in Russia
    Represented a more capitalism-oriented economic policy, mixed economy system was entroduced.
  • Adolf Hitler Became Leader of the Nazi Party

    Adolf Hitler Became Leader of the Nazi Party
    Hitler is appointed chairman of the Nazi's eventually leading the Nazi's to become the main party in Germany.
  • Russia became the USSR

    Russia became the USSR
    On 28 December 1922, a conference of plenipotentiary delegations from the Russian SFSR, the Transcaucasian SFSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR approved the Treaty of Creation of the USSR and the Declaration of the Creation of the USSR.
  • Dawes Plan Starts

    Dawes Plan Starts
    The new Dawes plan was created and accepted Aug 1924, the plan was an attempt to solve the reperations problem and a plan to end allied rule but later would be replaced by the young plan.
  • Adolf Hitler writes Mein Kampf

    Adolf Hitler writes Mein Kampf
    Autobiographical manifesto written by Adolf Hitler in which he outlines his politcal ideology and future plans for Germany.
  • Hirohito Became Emperor of Japan

    Hirohito Became Emperor of Japan
    Hirohito would be the Emperor of Japan for 63 years including through Japan's defeat in WW2.
  • Civil War in China Began

    Civil War in China Began
    Fought between forces loyal to the Goverment of China being led by the Kuomitang and the fought the Communist Party of China.
  • Charles Linbergh's Solo Fight Across the Atlantic

    Charles Linbergh's Solo Fight Across the Atlantic
    Charles was the first man to fly solo nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean from New York City to Paris in 33 hours his plane was the "Spirit of St. Louis" also regarded as a hero when he completed the flight.
  • Five-Year Plan Began

    Five-Year Plan Began
    List of economic goals set by Stalin had rewards and consequences for reaching quotas.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact Signed

    Kellogg-Briand Pact Signed
    An international agreement signed by Germany, France, and the US and other nations later that "disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them" (Yale University)
  • Joseph Stalin became leader of the USSR

    Joseph Stalin became leader of the USSR
    When Lenin died in 1924, Stalin would beat his rivals and become the leader of the Communist Party eventually becoming dictator of the USSR.
  • The Great Depression Began

    The Great Depression Began
    Deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in history, United States GD started when the stock market crashed on what is known as Black Tuesday over next few years consumer spending and investment dropped effecting millions of people who had to be laid off their jobs.
  • Stock Market Crashed in the U.S

    Stock Market Crashed in the U.S
    The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was the most devasting stock market crash in the history of the US the day this happened is referred to as "Black Tuesday" and this signaled the start of the 10 year Great Depression.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    After the Mukden incident the Japanese army immediately invaded.
  • The Holocaust Begins

    The Holocaust Begins
    The Holocaust begins when Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany, Hitler had a goal to wipe out all of the Jews this was a time of horror for the Jews many atriocities were commited toward them, a time of infamy in history many Jews died because of Hitler belief that Aryans are the superior race.
  • Adolf Hitler Became the Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Became the Chancellor of Germany
    President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler Chancellor or Fuher of the National Socialist German Workers Party as the Chancellor of Geramany.
  • The New Deal Started

    The New Deal Started
    Series of domesticated programs enacted in the US to help pull the US out of the Great Depression, the 3 R's Relief, Recovery, and Reform.
  • FDR became President of the US

    FDR became President of the US
    FDR would be the only president to serve 4 terms including being president in WW2 also thought as the best president to ever be in office.
  • The Long March

    The Long March
    A military retreat undertaken by the Red Army of the Communist Party of China to evade the pursuit of the Kuomintang.
  • US Congress Passed the Neutrality Acts

    US Congress Passed the Neutrality Acts
    US congress passes Neutrality Acts to stay out of the crisis in Europe and in the Pacific and to make sure US didn't get tangled in foreign issues.
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Italy Invades Ethiopia
    A border incident gave Benito Mussolini to intervene and invade Ethiopia the Italians were able to conquer and rule Ethiopia and the League of Nations were asked for help but LON never helped demonstrated the ineffectiveness of the League of Nations also one of the "episodes" that prepared for WW2
  • Adolf Hitler Defies Treaty of Versailles

    Adolf Hitler Defies Treaty of Versailles
    Hitler defies the Treaty of Versailles by building up Germany's army and he invades the Rhineland violating the TOV eventually invading countries.
  • Germany Reoccupies the Rhineland

    Germany Reoccupies the Rhineland
    Adolf Hitler defies the TOV and takes a huge risk in reoccupying the Rhineland but he is sucessfull and from there WW2 kicks off.
  • Great Purge Began

    Great Purge Began
    A campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union orchestrated by Joseph Stalin.
  • Francisco Franco Led a Fascist Revolt in Spain

    Francisco Franco Led a Fascist Revolt in Spain
    Francisco leads a revolt that turns into the Spanish Civil War but he wins and becomes the Dictator of Spain.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    Coaltion formed between Italy and Germany formalized by the Pact of steel in 1939.
  • Japan Invaded China

    Japan Invaded China
    War was a result of decades long Japan Imperialist policy aiming to dominate China politically and militarily but China will recover all territories lost to Japan.
  • Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    Episode of mass murder and rape commited by Japanese soliders aganist the people of Nanking, China many war crimess and horrifying attrocities were commited also known as the Nanking Massacre also death toll was about 300,000 dead.
  • Anschluss

    The occupation and annexation of Austria into Germany in 1938.
  • Jiang Jieshi Became the of the Kuomintang

    Jiang Jieshi Became the  of the Kuomintang
    After Sun Yat-Sen dies Jiang Jieshi becomes leader of the Kuomintang.
  • Hitler Hosts the Munich Conference

    Hitler Hosts the Munich Conference
    The sucessful Annexation of Austria gave him the ambition to take over Czechslovakia but the Allies made an agreement that he could take a part of Czech, but he would have to respect the new borders and they also had to deteremine the Sudetenland issue.
  • Adolf Hitler took the Sudetenland

    Adolf Hitler took the Sudetenland
    Adolf Hitler on Sept 30, 1938 met with leaders of Naxi Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy signed an agreement for the Nazi's to annex the Sudetenland but in 1939 Geramany would take the rest of Sudetenland.
  • Kristallnacht Begins

    Kristallnacht Begins
    Also known as the Night of Broken Glass, these were series of attacks toward Jew owned businesses, Jews, and anything that had to do with Jews attackers were SA paramilitary and non-jewish civilians at least 91 jews were killed and about over 8000 jewish buidings were either destroyed or damaged.
  • Manhattan Project Began

    Manhattan Project Began
    Research and development project that produced the first atomic bombs during WW2.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact Signed

    Nazi-Soviet Pact Signed
    Nazi Germany and USSR signed a pact that they wouldn't attack each other for 10 years and tha they would share Poland.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland after the Gleiwitz Incident that occured the day which then the invasion was the start of WW2.
  • Sitzkrieg Began

    Sitzkrieg Began
    Also known as the "Phoney War" this was the lack of military operations aganist the third reich this then led to the Battle of France.
  • Winston Churchill Became Prime Minister of GB

    Winston Churchill Became Prime Minister of GB
    Winston would be PM during WW2 and part of the Big 3 but would be kicked out later and would be PM again in 1951.
  • Auschwitz Death Camp Opened

    Auschwitz Death Camp Opened
    Auschwitz was the death camp were more Jews were killed than the rest of the camps an estimated 1.1 million jews were killed here June 27, 1945 is when the atriocites would come to an end when the Soviet's liberate the camp.
  • Allies Evacuate Dunkirk

    Allies Evacuate Dunkirk
    During the Battle of France massive number of allied soliders were cut off by german soliders but Operation Dynamo was a sucess and the allies were able to escape.
  • Vichy Government Established in France

    Vichy Government Established in France
    Vichy Government was established when France surrendered to Germany June 22, 1940, Vichy became the HQ for the government the leader of the goverment was Marshal Philippe Pétain who was voted by the national assembly to recieve these powers.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    First major air campaign to be fought entirely by air forces, German objective was to gain air superiorty over the Royal Air Force but RAF was able to stop Germany from gaining air superiorty and prevented Hitelr from launching Operation Sea Lion.
  • Tripartite Pact Signed

    Tripartite Pact Signed
    Pact Signed in Berlin that established the 3 Axis powers.
  • Lend-Lease act

    Lend-Lease act
    A program enacted in which the United States supplied Great Britain, the USSR, Free France, the Republic China, and other Allied nations with material between 1941 and 1945.
  • Operation Barbossa

    Operation Barbossa
    Operation Barbossa was the codename for Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during WW2 over 4 million soliders of Axis powers making it the largest military invasion ever.
  • Hitler Enacted the Final Solution

    Hitler Enacted the Final Solution
    Hitler creates a plan to exterminate all of the Jews in Europe using many ways including death camps.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    Statement that defined the Allies Goals for post world war 2.
  • Japanese attack Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
    The attack on Pearl Harbor wasa surprise attack on the US by the Imperial Japanese Navy the US took many losses but this event marked the US' entry into WW2.
  • The U.S Declared War on Japan

    The U.S Declared War on Japan
    Pearl Habor was attacked by Japan, President Franklin D. Roosevelt recieves a request for a declaration of war his speech lasted 10 mins. and in less than an hour he signed his declaration of war at 4:10 P.M on Dec. 8, 1941
  • Chelmno Concentration Camp Opens

    Chelmno Concentration Camp Opens
    One of the many death camps opened Chelmno housed many jews that were to be exterminated it is estimated that 152,000-340,000 Jews were killed in Chelmno.
  • Nisei were Interned in Relocation centers in the US

    Nisei were Interned in Relocation centers in the US
    Because of Japan bombing Pearl Harbor many Japenese Americans were moved into camps where they lived until the end of the war.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    The forcible transfer of the Imperial Japanese army of 60,000-80,000 Filipino and American POW's after the 3 month battle of Bataan.
  • Doolittle Raids over Japan

    Doolittle Raids over Japan
    Also known as the Tokyo Raid, B25 Bombers were launched without fighter escort from the USS hornet and 15 B25's made it into china while another made it into USSR 3 died on impact with 4 died in captivity.
  • Island Hopping Campaign

    Island Hopping Campaign
    Gen. Macarthur and Admiral Chester M. Nimitz devised a plan to attack the weaker islands and then go from Island to Island to defeat the Japanese and it was sucessful.
  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    Battle of the Coral Sea
    Fought in the waters of the Solomon Islands and eastward of New Guinea, first of the Pacific war's six fights between opposing aircraft carrier forces tactical victory for japanese but operational and strategic loss for them.
  • Battle of the Midway

    Battle of the Midway
    One of the most important naval battles in WW2, the The Japanese's plan was to lure US aircraft carriers into a trap but american codebreakers were able to determine the location and time of the attack and forwarned the US navy to set up an ambush of its own and the result was a decisive american victory. With only 1 american aircraft carrier and destroyer destroyed.
  • Battle of El Alamein

    Battle of  El Alamein
    2 Battles, Italian and German forces are being put back by British forces and allied forces in addition to american supplies are able to defeat the Axis and Erwin Rommel is was back on the defensive marking a turn point in the war.
  • Battle of Guadalcanal

    Battle of Guadalcanal
    The first Allied major offensive aganist the Empire of Japan, the Allies were sucessful in taking the island from Japan the Allies wanted the island because of it had airfields in which the Allies could move their forces through and it was in a strategic location.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    A turning point in the war USSR was able to stop Germany and it's allies and were able to turn the German's back Wes never coming back East, one of the most important battles of WW2.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    Codename for the British-American invasion of French North Africa during the North African campaign of the Second World War, result was an allied victory.
  • Casablanca Conference

    Casablanca Conference
    Prime Minster of Britain, Winston Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt, along with the chief's of staff discussed strategies and to study the next phase of the war meeting also marked first time an American president left US soil during wartime.
  • Washington Conference

    Washington Conference
    On May 12 the President of the US and the Prime Minister of Britain along with their chief military advisors meet to dicuss plans for the italian campaign, air attacks on Nazi Germany, Pacific War, and a date for invading Europe.
  • Allies Land in Sicily

    Allies Land in Sicily
    Major Allied operation codenamed "Operation Husky" campaign in which the Allies took Sicily from the Axis Powers, Allies drove an air, naval, and airborne operation result was an allied victory.
  • Tehran Conference

    Tehran Conference
    Meeting between U.S President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British PM Winston Churchill and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, during conference the three leaders coordinated their military strategy aganist Germany and Japan also they made a number of important decisions concering the WW2 era.
  • Benito Mussolini Became Leader of Italy

    Benito Mussolini Became Leader of Italy
    Benito rose to power through leading his people in Fascism, first appointed Prime Minister eventually King Victor Emmanuel III will apoint him as leader of Italy and Benito would become a dictator.
  • Operation Overlord (D Day)

    Operation Overlord (D Day)
    Codename for the Battle of Normandy the operation was to set invade and set up a new front in german-occupied Western Europe by Allied Forces it was a huge victory for the Allies; however, there were many losses.
  • Gen Macarthur Returned to the Phillipines

    Gen Macarthur Returned to the Phillipines
    General Macarthur led the ampibious invasion of the Gulf of Leyte and US + Fillipino forces would be sucessful.
  • Kamikaze Pilots Appear in the Pacific

    Kamikaze Pilots Appear in the Pacific
    Kamikaze pilots were trained to kill themselves but crashing straight into their targets, first time their seen was during the Batle of Leyte Gulf.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    In an attempt to launch one more huge attack Germany took the Allies by the surprise and launched a huge offensive and became the costliest battle in casualties for the US but the Allies were victorious and were able to launch a counteroffensive which help led to the end of WW2
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Meeting with the Heads of the US government, the UK, and the Soviet Union meeting was to discuss the re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    Major battle in which US forces fought for and captured the island Iwo Jima from the Japanese the island has a very strategic layout that could be used to move troops and supplies through the Pacific.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    Battle of Okinawa was the largest ampibious assault in the Pacific War of WW2 the Allies planned use Okinawa as a base for air operations to eventually invade Japan.
  • Mussolini Executed

    Mussolini Executed
    Mussolini and his mistress, Clara Petacci, were shot by Italian partisians who were captured attempting to flee to Switzerland, bodies transported to Milan and hung to be viewed in public.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    Both Hitler and his wife Eva commit suicide in their undeground bunker by ingesting cyanide.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany signs unconditonal surrender to the Allies in Reims, France ending WW2 many factors led to Germany surrender such as: Adolf Hitlers suicide, USSR taking over Berlin, Germany's army losing battles and on the defensive plus much more.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Known as Victory in Europe day this day is known when the Allies were victorious in Europe tthere was world wide celebration millions took to the streets to celebrate the victory of the Allies and the defeat of Germany and Italy plus marks the formal accepetance of Germany's unconditional surrender.
  • Potsdam conference

    Potsdam conference
    The Big 3 meet in Postdam, Germany to discuss post war arrangments in Europe, frequently without agreement also future moves with Japan were coordinated.
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima
    The first ever Atomic Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima destroying 90% of the city and killing over 80,000 instantly and more would die later a few days later Nagaski would also be bombed.
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagaski

    Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagaski
    After Bombing Hiroshima Japan did not want to surrender US decided to drop another atomic bomb called Fat Man devasting Hiroshima after the bombing Japan surrendered ending WW2
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    With the surrender of Japan WW2 ended events like the atomic bombs dropped on Japan were one the main events leading to Japan surrender in addition an imment Allied invasion, Japan would fall under the occupation of the US for a few years.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    The day that Japan surrendered ending WW2.
  • Nuremburg Trials

    Nuremburg Trials
    Main purpose of these trials were onducted by the Nations in the Allies to prosecute and sentence Nazi war criminals half were found guilty and hanged to death.