Russian Revolution-Sen Reh- Miss.Kipp WH

By senreh
  • Period: to

    Czar Nicolas II Rule

    Czar nicolos II was the last romanor to rule russia.
  • Russian Marxists split in 2 groups Mensheviks & Bolsheviks

    Russian Marxists split in 2 groups Mensheviks & Bolsheviks
    It became clear that the party was split between two groups the bolsheviks("majority") and the mensheviks ("minority").
  • Bloody Sunday in St.Petersburg

    Bloody Sunday in St.Petersburg
    On the sunday, january 22, striking workers, and their families gathered six point in the city of St.Petersbury in russian.
  • Period: to

    Russia Revolution

    The two most comonly referred to are those of around 1905-ageneral revolution and period of unrest and of 1917-the Bolshevik revolution and overthrowing of the Tsardom.
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    Russia's Time in WWI

    This is the time span russia seried in world war I
  • Beggining of Strikes

    Women stopped wroking went to the twon squre and got to the men.
  • Lenin Returns to Russia

    Lenin Returns to Russia
    Lenin returns to russia from switzerland and with 30 other revolutionaries. Germany's leaders hope that, with lenin's support, revoluionary event in russia will be spurred on, and a russian military efeat can be expedited.
  • Bolsheviks win control of Petrograd Soviet

    Bolsheviks win control of Petrograd Soviet
    All power to the soviets the bolsheviks were tapping in popular dmocratic demands.
  • Start of October Revolution

    Start of October Revolution
    There were several "Russian Revolution" but the futherst reeaching was the october revolution of 1917(Ten days that shook the world).
  • Russia Leaves WWI (Treaty of Brest-Litovsk)

    Russia Leaves WWI (Treaty of Brest-Litovsk)
    Russia couldn't continue the war and sought apeace treaty to end the fighting against germany before their complete collapse.
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    Russian Civil War

    The russain civil war was to tear russia apart for three years-between 19-18 and 1921
  • Romanov Family Executed

    Romanov Family Executed
    Nicholas II Romanov (1868-1918) ruled from 1894 to 1917, and was the last Tsa of the Russain Empire.
  • Stalin becomes Appointed General Sevretary

    Stalin becomes Appointed General Sevretary
    Stalin was not appointed, he killing everyone opposing his candidary. Stalin come to power in 1924 after lenin's death.
  • Lenin has 2nd Stroke and Retires

    Lenin has 2nd Stroke and Retires
    A second stroke followed in december 1922, obliging lenin to retire from politics to hsi dacha in the village of Gorki, six miles south of Moscow, and where Stalin become a frequent visitor.
  • Bolsheviks Established Soviet Union (U.S.S.R)

    Bolsheviks Established Soviet Union (U.S.S.R)
    The Bolshevis revolution was followed by a brutal civil was which took millions of lives. The revolution and civil war tragicaity divided the national and millions of people left the conutry.
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    Before his death, the communist party and the sovied government soldiered on without him.
  • Stalin creates "Socialism in On country"

    Stalin creates "Socialism in On country"
    After consolidatin its power and leading the peasating in its wake the protetariat of the victorious country can and must build a socialist society.