
Russian Revolution Project - WWI to Stalin's Great Purge

By VQueliz
  • Germany Declares War

    Germany Declares War
    Germany decalres war on Russia because of Russia didn't wait to get permission to mobilize their forces on and and sea. This was very threatening to Germany, so they asked the Russians to stop mobilizing their troops. Russia said no, so Germany was forced to decalre war. This puts Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Serbia, USA and Japan against Austria, Germany and Turkey. In 1914 alone, 400,000 Russian soldiers die.
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    WWI to Stalin's Great Purge

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    World War 1

    WWI was initiated by the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife (Sophie). This event only triggered the start of the war, various other situations contributed to the beginning of the war such as secret alliences between nations, militarism, nationalism, and various crisis of wanting independence such as in Morocco and Bosnia. The war lasted untill 1918
  • Russians Invades East Prussia

    Russians Invades East Prussia
    The Russian Armies begin to head to Prussia, which fufilled their promise to France to attack Germany, which would relive pressure on France during the beginning of WWI. For the Germans, the Russian advance was much sooner then they thought, considering Russia's slowness in the east. During this time, Russia is also advancing to Galicia. Events soon shed that Russia entered the field unprepared. The army in Prussia is ill-fed and tired, and leads to the Germans to overcome Russian armies.
  • Bolshevik Deputies to the Fourth Duma arrested

    Bolshevik Deputies to the Fourth Duma arrested
    The Bolshvik deputies of the Foruth Duma were arrested after their participation in a conference in Ozerki, near Petrograd. The conference was held with people fromthe Bolshevik organizations of Petrograd, and various other places including by the Duma Bolshevik deputies. When the conference was over, the police aressted everyone there, but the Duma Bolshivek were tried and exiled to Siberia for life.
  • The Great Retreat

    The Great Retreat
    The Great Retreat, which ended Sept. 15, begins as Russian forces go back to Russia as a result of the Central Powers destroying Russian corps. Czar Nicholas II finally gave in and fired the commander in chief (which was his uncle) and took command himself. This contributed toward the Russuan Revolution. He made his uncle Grand Duke as the commander of Russian forces at the start of the war in Aug. 1914, but at first he declined. He led to disaster against the Germans.
  • Russia Has Problems

    Russia Has Problems
    By 1916, Russia is starting to face struggles. There is widespread poverty as a result of haven't been indutrialized like other nations have, and the result is the Russian army weakening. They have food shortages and low guns and ammunition. They also are running out of clothing, boots and blankets. This leads to the near collapse of Russia's war effort.
  • February Revolution

    February Revolution
    The population of Russia was struggling. When it was International Woman's Day people joined in the streets and shouted "Down with hunger! Bread for workers!" The proletariat sooned turned agaisnt the Czar and the police couldn't stop the rebellion. More troops were sent but no one could stop them. Fighting broke out, and Alexander Kerensky (who wanted to take the Czar's place) went to fight too. As a result, two governemts were created and Nicholas had to sign the act of Abdication.
  • USSR Established

    USSR Established
    Created as a Communist state after the 1917 revolution, the Soviet Union was the largest country in the world. Its agricultural and industrial production were increased, often by brutal means, until the devastation caused by World War II. In the post-war era it emerged as one of the two antagonistic superpowers, rivalling the USA, in the polarization of the Communist and non-Communist worlds. Attempts to reform its centrally planned economy during the 1980s led to a rise in nationalist feeling a
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    The Bolsheviks Revolution succeeded because of the government being weak and when it was attack it was unprepared. The private army of the Bolsheviks were dedicated and strong, Lenin was also a very strong leader, he was a good planner, ruthless, and a good speaker. This meant the Bolsheviks were well led. Also, the Germans were supporting them with money because they knew Lenin wanted Russia out of the war. This revolution led to the spread of communism and an end of autocratic rule.
  • Murder of the Romanovs

    Murder of the Romanovs
    The Romanovs had given Lenin a major problem. To many, Nicholas was still the legitimate ruler of Russia. While he was alive, people would rally to his cause. The simple fact was that many in the White corner were fighting to restore Nicholas the throne. They had been murdered one day as a family even though all of the bodies haven't been found yet therefore making it seem as if they disappeared.
  • Stalin Takes Over

    Stalin Takes Over
    Stalin was in control of Russia for nearly 30 years, from 1924, after the death Lenin to 1953, when Stalin died. He was incredibly brutal, and sent many innocent people to their deaths, or to "gulags" (Russian concentration camps). He had his critics tortured/removed. He was the cause for around 20 million deaths, and even this figure is not exact, as many people simply disappeared from society and were never seen again. He had Russian citizens living in fear yet he stayed in power for decades.
  • Five-Year Plans

    Five-Year Plans
    The Soviet Union launches the first Five-Year Plan for rapid industrialization. The USSR was turned into a modern state (which was able to resist Hitler's invasion), there was genuine Communist enthusiasm among the young ‘Pioneers’. There were huge achievements in areas such as new cities, dams/ hydroelectric power, transport & communications and many more. Despite thes epositives, it was poorly organised (inefficiency, duplication of effort and waste), and appaling human cost.
  • The Great Purge

    The Great Purge
    In 1937, Joseph Stalin began the Great Purge, a attack of terror directed at eliminating anyone who threatened his power. The Great Purge were various events of campaigns of political repression and persecution in the Soviet Union orchestrated by Stalin. It only lasted a year, but millions of people (about 23million) were killed or taken to prison in this year. This effected the Red Army when they went into WWII.