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Russian Revolution of 1905 KaidenS AdamA JustinM

  • Russian Revolution of 1905

    Russian Revolution of 1905
    Russian Revolution of 1905 was an important key part in convincing Tsar Nicholas II to change Russia from an autocracy to a constitutional monarchy. The effects of the Russian Revolution of 1905 resulted in a series of revolutions that overthrew Tsar Nicholas II, and the communist government. During 1905 an event called "Bloody Sunday" resulted in Tsar's guards killing hundreds of peaceful protesters.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    The event that sparked World War 1 was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. About 37 Million people died in WW1. The strongest country was Great Britain. World War 1 begins when Austria-Hungary declares war on Siberia on July 28. World War 1 was also referred to as "The first modern war". World war 1 took the lives of 9 million soldiers and wounded more than 21 million. The two countries that were affected the most were Germany and France. In total 37 million died.
  • Influence of Rasputin

    Influence of Rasputin
    Rasputin was a strange Russian peasant who influenced Nicholas II Aleksandra, the last Tsar and Tsarnia of imperial Russia. He was later assassinated by a group of conservative noblemen who opposed his influence over Alexandra and the Tsar.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Russia's March revolution was mainly consistent with strikes and rioting in St. Petersburg; however they did not pose a threat towards the Russian monarchy. The March Revolution helped overthrow the imperial government, and places Bolsheviks in power.
  • Abdication of Tsar Nicholas II

    Abdication of Tsar Nicholas II
    He was forced to abdicate the throne of Russia in 1894. He was crowned as king on May 26, 1894. The outcome of the Russo-Japanese War was one of the main causes of the Russian Revolution of 1905. He was the last emperor of Russia. He was in rule from November 1st 1894 to March 15 1917, also the day of his forced abdication. In result 3.3 million Russians were killed in WWI.
  • The Russian Civil War

    The Russian Civil War
    The Russia civil war was a result of the October Revolution of 1917 which caused a war between the Bolshevik government and rebel armies. Though there were fights in 1917, the initial war didn't start until 1918. Even though the war ended in 1920 it took Bolshevik until 1922 for Bolshevik to destroy all oppositions.
  • The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a treaty between the new Bolshevik German government and the central powers. This treaty forced those who signed to end their participation in the war. The main cause for The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a urge for a new regime.
  • Execution of Tsar Nicholas II and his family

    Execution of Tsar Nicholas II and his family
    His and his families execution brought a saddening end to the Romanov dynasty. In 1917 he had to abandon his throne because of a revolution. Eighteen died and thirty-five escaped. He abandoned his throne because he wanted to preserve the next era.
  • The November Revolution

    The November Revolution
    After the events that surrounded the march revolution, and towards the end of WW1, the German monarchy became a German republic.The Bolsheviks grew into power around the November revolution because of their ability to inspire people and their gaining support.
  • The New Economic Policy

    The New Economic Policy
    Also known as Russia's NEP expedient, the new economic policy attempted to retreat from socialist policies. It also was an admission that communism did not work. It replaced the Pronalog. It was an economic policy of the Soviet Union by Vladimir Lenin. From 1921-1928 it was a temporary retreat. Money was reestablished into the economy in 1922.