
Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • Reign of Czar Alexander III (1881-1894)

    Reign of Czar Alexander III (1881-1894)
    • had total power
    • no religious tolerance
    • free speech not allowed
    • Stops what his father had been doing to reform Russia
    • Created autocracy (one man rule)
    • Supported pogram - targeting and hurting Jewish people
    • Wants Russia to be one race (not racial/religious majority)
    • Caused unhappiness among his subjects, later helping leads uprisings
  • Period: to

    Reign of Czar Alexander III (1881-1894)

    • had total power
    • no religious tolerance
    • free speech not allowed
    • Stops what his father had been doing to reform Russia
    • Created autocracy (one man rule)
    • Supported pogram - targeting and hurting Jewish people
    • Wants Russia to be one race (not racial/religious majority)
    • Caused unhappiness among his subjects, later helping leads uprisings
  • Reign of Czar Nicholas II (1894 - 1917)

    Reign of Czar Nicholas II (1894 - 1917)
    • Continued doing what rulers had done before him
    • Ruled harshly like Alexander
    • This made him ignorant to his subjects
    • Was also ignorant to the changing ways of the world *Never really fixed what Czar Alexander started, leading to the revolt that placed him off the throne.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Czar Nicholas II (1894 - 1917)

    • Continued doing what rulers had done before him
    • Ruled harshly like Alexander
    • This made him ignorant to his subjects
    • Was also ignorant to the changing ways of the world *Never really fixed what Czar Alexander started, leading to the revolt that placed him off the throne.
  • Russo - Japanese War (1904 - 1905)

    Russo - Japanese War (1904 - 1905)
    • Russia broke treaty with Japan over areas of Korea and Manchuria
    • Japan retaliated by declaring war on Russia
    • Russia lost many battles
    • Spurred uprising at home when people heard of this *Japan winning is proof of weakness to Russian people (embarrassing)
  • Period: to

    Russo - Japanese War (1904 - 1905)

    • Russia broke treaty with Japan over areas of Korea and Manchuria
    • Japan retaliated by declaring war on Russia
    • Russia lost many battles
    • Spurred uprising at home when people heard of this *Japan winning is proof of weakness to Russian people (embarrassing)
  • Bloody Sunday (January 9, 1905)

    Bloody Sunday (January 9, 1905)
    • Around 200,000 workers and their families went to protest at the czar's Winter Palace
    • Nicholas's II's generals ordered soldiers to fire on crowd
    • More then 1,000 wounded or killed
    • Russians quickly named event "Bloody Sunday"
    • Provoked a wave of strikes and violence across the country *Basically started offset that led to revolution
  • Period: to

    Bloody Sunday (January 9, 1905)

    • Around 200,000 workers and their families went to protest at the czar's Winter Palace
    • Nicholas's II's generals ordered soldiers to fire on crowd
    • More then 1,000 wounded or killed
    • Russians quickly named event "Bloody Sunday"
    • Provoked a wave of strikes and violence across the country *Basically started offset that led to revolution
  • Establishment of the Duma (October 30 1905)

    Establishment of the Duma (October 30 1905)
    • Czar Nicholas created the Duma in result to the uprisings
    • It was Russia's first Parliament
    • Shares Czar Nicholas's power
    • Does this to please his people or they are going to revolt *Thinks he can go on ruling as he did, only made it to satisfy his people
  • Russia's Participation in World War One

    Russia's Participation in World War One
    • Czar Nicholas brings Russia into war
    • He didn't want to rule, but he wanted to to lead the military during the war
    • He was on the front lines during the war
    • Russia gets out of the war in 1917 *The people again blame the Czar for Russia doing bad in the war, leads to more uprisings
  • Period: to

    Russia's Participation in World War One

    • Czar Nicholas brings Russia into war
    • He didn't want to rule, but he wanted to to lead the military during the war
    • He was on the front lines during the war
    • Russia gets out of the war in 1917 *The people again blame the Czar for Russia doing bad in the war, leads to more uprisings
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    Lenin, a radical thinker, returns to Russia after abdication of the Czar knowing he is no longer not safe in Russia
    He wants a Marxist Revolution
    Soviets become supportive of Marxist Revolution
    Lenin offers “peace (WW1), land, and bread
  • Period: to

    Bolshevik Revolution

    Lenin, a radical thinker, returns to Russia after abdication of the Czar knowing he is no longer not safe in Russia
    He wants a Marxist Revolution
    Soviets become supportive of Marxist Revolution
    Lenin offers “peace (WW1), land, and bread
  • Abdication of Czar Nicholas /est. of Provisional Government

    Abdication of Czar Nicholas /est. of Provisional Government
    Russian people blamed Czar for bad result from World War 1
    Czar steps down
    People create the Provisional Government
    People didn’t like Provisional Government because it was in favor of staying in the war
    Leads to Bolshevik Revolution
  • Period: to

    Abdication of Czar Nicholas /est. of Provisional Government

    Russian people blamed Czar for bad result from World War 1
    Czar steps down
    People create the Provisional Government
    People didn’t like Provisional Government because it was in favor of staying in the war
    Leads to Bolshevik Revolution
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    • Conservatives and Czechs not happy with communist ideas, want absolute monarchy
    • Go to war against Lenin's "red army"
    • White army (conservatives) receive support from Allies from World War 1 because the capitalist countries believe communism is a threat
      • Germany is defeated and the Red Army turns full attention towards White Army
    • White Army (partially) surrounds Red Army in Industrialized areas of Russia
    • Red Army takes this as an advantage and ends up winning against the White Army
  • Period: to

    Russian Civil War

    • Conservatives and Czechs not happy with communist ideas, want absolute monarchy
    • Go to war against Lenin's "red army"
    • White army (conservatives) receive support from Allies from World War 1 because the capitalist countries believe communism is a threat
      • Germany is defeated and the Red Army turns full attention towards White Army
    • White Army (partially) surrounds Red Army in Industrialized areas of Russia
    • Red Army takes this as an advantage and ends up winning against the White Army
  • Establishment of USSR

    Establishment of USSR
    • Communists wanted more then Russia to adopt Communism
    • Lenin also did not want nationalists and instead those in favor of communism
    • As a result Russia was split into specific zones and became known as the USSR.
  • Period: to

    Establishment of USSR

    • Communists wanted more then Russia to adopt Communism
    • Lenin also did not want nationalists and instead those in favor of communism
    • As a result Russia was split into specific zones and became known as the USSR.
  • Stalin's Rise to Power

    Stalin's Rise to Power
    • Trotsky and Stalin both wanted control over U.S.S.R.
    • Kenin would have favored Trotsky
    • Joseph Stalin wasn't his real name but he changed it (means man of steel)
    • Stalin ended up making propaganda against Trotsky to help him win power
  • Lenin's Death

    Lenin's Death
    • Lenin suffered from one (maybe more) strokes
    • This led to his death
    • His body was embalmed and is in the Red Square in Russia
  • Leon Trotsky's Exile

    Leon Trotsky's Exile
    • Stalin didn't want Trotsky to be a threat to him
    • Exiled him to Mexico
    • Was later assassinated
    • Believed the person who killed him had ties to Stalin