Russian Revolution

  • Nicholas II Becomes Czar

    Succeeds his father Alexander III.
  • Russia Loses War With Japan

    Russia Fought a defensive war with Japan and lost.
  • Strikes

    Russian workers organize strikes because of bad working conditions.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Troops open fire on protesters that want better conditions from the czar.
  • Russian enters WWI

    Germany declared war on Russia bringing it into WWI.
  • Czar is abdicated

    The Czar steps down from the throne.
  • March Revolution

    Workers went on strike for better wages and ended up toppling the government.
  • Provisional Government Falls

    The Bolsheviks over through the Provisional Government.
  • Czar's Rule

    The Czar ruled Russia for centuries until March 1917 When they where over thrown.
  • Period: to

    Civil War Between Red and White Armies

    The Red Army Socialists fought against the White Army who had many different ideas for the future of Russia.
  • Provisional Government Established

    Established following the abdication of the Czar Nicholas II.
  • Lenin returns to Russia

    Lenin returns to Russia to help the revolutionaries to create a new government.
  • Formation of Communist Party

    The Bolsheviks changed their name to the Communist Party.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    The Bolshevik Government and the Centrals Powers signed a treaty to take Russia out of the war.
  • Stalin Becomes a Dictator

    Stalin was not supported by Lenin but Lenin had a stroke and could no longer hold political power against Stalin.
  • Lenin Suffers Stroke

    Lenin Suffers his First Stroke that will eventually lead to his death.
  • USSR is Formed