Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • The reign of Czar Alexander III

    The reign of Czar Alexander III
    -reigned from 1881-1894
    -helped fuel an Anti-Semitic environment in Russia
    -promoted the nobility
    -wanted one ruler, one religion, and one race in Russia
    *He created fear among much of the Russian population. Also because of his and others views on Jews there was lots of rioting and raiding.
  • Period: to

    The reign of Czar Alexander III

  • The Reign of Czar Nicholas II

    The Reign of Czar Nicholas II
    -reign from 1894-1917
    -He wanted absolute power when the people wanted a democracy
    -He was not concerned about the struggles of the people because Russia had not industrialized yet
    -created a Duma or elected legislature. He did this because it was what the people wanted but was almost pointless because of the number of restrictions
    -blamed for WW1 failure. Due to this day of violence broke out and he gave up the throne
    *He did not do much for the people and was the lead up to the revolution
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Czar Nicholas II

  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    -started with competition over territory in Northern China
    -Japan had advantages such as more troops and there navel vessel were much better
    -Russia lots
    -Nicholas was blamed
    *Due to there loss Russia lost land, strikes to change the government, political anger at the social conditions, people's rights were expanded, and the Duma was created.
  • Establishment of the Duma

    Establishment of the Duma
    -was an elected legislature
    -was created because it is what the people wanted
    *had so many restricted that it did bot do much so the czar made it more for show than to actually have a purpose
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    -200,000 workers marched to the Czar's Winter Palace
    -They wanted relief from working and living conditions. They marched in there best clothes, with religious figures and portraits of the Czar
    -It turned violent when the police and guards open fire on the marchers
    -The Czar was not even at the palace
    *Some of the consequences were leaders were arrested, uprising across the country, Russo-Japanese war was lost, also helped create Duma, and Nicholas's reputation was harmed more
  • Russia's Participation in WW1

    Russia's Participation in WW1
    They entered the war unprepared because they had not yet industrialized. This angered lots of the population.
  • Death of Rasputin

    Death of Rasputin
    -He was helping the Czar's wife rule
    -He had spiritual powers
    -He was killed by nobles
    *After he died he left a note telling the Czar's wife that her family would be killed if nobles killed him. Later because of the revolution the family was killed
  • Abdication of Czar Nicholas II/ Establishment of the Provisional Government

    He had to step down because of all the uprising in the country. The Provisional government was set up. It was not very strong and would soon be overthrown.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    -a grouped called the Red Guard arrested the Provisional Government
    -The Bolsheviks soon took control
    -They also signed a truce to stop fighting with Germany
    *They controlled everything and were giving peasants what they wanted such as distributing the land
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    -was fought between the Red Army and the White Army
    -Red Army was the Bolsheviks
    -White Army was the Czars supporters, people that wanted democracy, and socialists that did not like the ideas of the Bolsheviks
    -many died due to many different circumstances
    -The Red Army won
    * The revolution was similar to the Frech Revolution because of the terror and violence
    *In the end they got a state-controlled society
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Lenin's death

    Lenin's death
    -He had a stroke which made him weak
    *After this is time there had to be a new leader which led to other small conflicts
  • Establishment of the USSR

    Establishment of the USSR
    -it was named this in honor of the council that helped with the Bolshevik Revolution
    *Russia finally became almost like a new nation
  • Stalin's Rise to Power

    Stalin's Rise to Power
    -He worked behind the scenes tho shifted supporters to more powerful positions
    -Soon Stalin was in complete control
    *Lenin believed that Stalin was dangerous because so him coming into power could be dangerous
  • Leon Trotsky Exile

    Leon Trotsky Exile
    -He was the other person that was competing for power with Stalin
    -He was forced into exile and was no longer a threat
    *Now with him go Stalin had all of the power