Russian Revolution

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    Founding of Bolsheviks

    @ Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in London
  • Bloody Sunday

  • Creation of Duma

    October manifesto
  • Partial Modernization of Russia

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    World War I

  • Unarmed Russian Soldiers sent to army lines

  • Murder of Rasputin

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    Terminal Crisis

    Food shortages, heating fuel in short supply, economy breaking down
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    Violent street demonstrations in Petrograd

  • Duma Declaration of Provisional Government

  • Nicholas Abdicated

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    February Revolution

    Unplanned uprisings accompanied by violent street demonstrations
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    Lenin's Return to Russia

    Germany allowed him safe passage back to Russia, hoping his return would pull them out of the war (it did)
  • Lenin's Arrival at Petrograd's Finland Station

    Immediately started his attack, rejected cooperation w/ the bourgeois political government
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    Government formed

    By Alexander Kerensky; refused to confiscate large landholdings & give them to peasants - grew human suffering & war-weariness & tested limited strength of provisional government
  • Army Order No. 1

    Stripped officers of their authority & placed power in hands of elected committees of common solders; led to collapse of army discipline
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    Russia's Descent into Anarchy

  • summer offensive against Germany

    miserable failure; desertions mounted as peasant soldiers went back to help their families get land
  • Premature attempt to seize power; Lenin into hiding

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    General Lavr Kornilov against Kerensky

  • Trotsky convinced Petrograd Soviet

    To form a special military-revolutionary committee and make him leader
  • Joining of Trotsky and Bolshevik Forces

    They seized government buildings in Petrograd, then convinced the Congress of Soviets to give them power; Lenin head of new government
  • Lenin's Decree on Land

    No more private land
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    Lenin establishes a 1 party state

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    Red Terror

    Cheka imprisoned and executed without trial tens of thousands of 'class enemies'
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Western territories given up to Germany; Lenin accepted defeat
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    Trotsky War Commissar

  • Full Fledged Russian Civil War

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    Tsar and his family executed

  • Westerners sick of war

    few politicians wanted to get involved in a new military crusade
  • White Armies close in on Central Russia

    From 3 sides
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    White armies almost completely defeated

  • Red Army overran Causcasus Government