The Decemberist Revolt
The Decemeberist Revolt was the first "battle" that led to the revolution. It happened when a group of nobles started an uprising againt Nicholas 1, but failed due to bad organization and support. It was an important revolt becuase it showed that people were losing support of the Czar, and it gave inspiration to future generations who want to overthrow the Czar. -
NIcholas ll become czar of Russia
NIcholas was crowed in May very soon after he married his wife Alexandria. Over time he grew a wonderful family, and wonderful trust with his people until things started going downhill. He took the throne because his father had died and it was his responsibility. -
Russian war with Japan
Russia and Japan fought over control of Manchuria and Korea. Russia had the big advantage with more men, land, and resources. Suprisingly Japan won. This showed everyone that Russias power was declining. Nicholas grew more and more people that hatted him, and thought he was very untrustworthy. -
Bloody Sunday
A group of protesters led by a priest named Gapon, marched to the Czars palace in Petersburg. The cheif of security ordered all the soldiers to shoot. That day 100 people were shot dead and several hundred wounded. Becuase of this day NIcholas got the nickname bloody nicholas. Also this caused more and more people to create uprsiing against the government. -
March Revolution
Also called the Bolshevik revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin. When Nicholas abdicates the throne a new provisional government takes his spot. After this the Bolsheviks gain power and make Russia a communist state, and Lenin was made supreme leader. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne.
Nicholas II the ruler of Russia since 1894, was forced to step down by Petrograd insurgents. He and his family were taken and gunned down. This affected Russia because this was the end of the Czar rule, and collapse of the absolute rule. -
Russian civil war begins
The battle between the whites and reds starts because of disagreement of Brest-Litovsk treaty.Becuase of the battle most of Russia in ruins, and the death of more than 6 million people. In the end the reds defeated the whites, and took over Ukraine, Georgia and other areas like that. -
Creation of USSR
The USSR is a confederation of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Transcauacasion Federation also known as teh soviet union. It is where all types of government are controlled by the communist party. It eventually took over Russia compleatly. -
Vladimir Lenin’s death
Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevviks. He eventually became supreme leader and ruled Russia. Many people loved him but many hated him and his idea of government. He was very important to the involvment of the revolution because he eventually ends up unifing the soviets, and centeralizes control of the USSR.