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Trans-Siberian Railroad
British and french investors helped build the world's longest continuous railway through Russia. Russia was the 4th largest steel producer behind Germany, Britain and the U.S.. The railway went from the European side of Russia to the ports on the pacific coast. -
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Strikes and Violence
Because of Bloody Sunday, in October 1905, Nicholas II promises more freedom, and improved creation of Duma. Most Russians wanted to become a constitutional monachy simular to Britain. Although this is what most wanted, Nicholas didn't want to share his power so the Czar dissolved it. -
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Bloody Sunday
About 200,000 workers and their families wanted to petition better working conditions, personal freedoms, and elect national legislature. Nicholas II ordered his generals and soldiers to fire upon the crowd of people. This event killed hundreds and wounded around one thousand workers and their family members. -
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Russia enters WWI
Nicholas II made the decision to lead Russia into WWI. They were ill equipped to handle the military and economic costs. They were also no match for the German army that was fighting against them. After just one year, more than 4 million soldiers were dead, wounded or imprisoned. -
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The March Revolution
Women textile workers in Petrograd lead a strike. 5 days or riots over bread and fuel shortage. Many people were shot by soldiers but soon many of them were switching sides and protested as well. An uprising of people took place and Czar Nicholas II left his throne. A year after, he and his family were executed. -
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Lenin Returns to Russian from Exile
After many years of exile, Lenin returned to Russia. Germany thought with him in country again, Russians who supported him would cause tension and unease in Russia and damage their war efforts. Germans hid Lenin in a box car and sent him back to his country. -
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Treaty of Brest-Litousk
Because they left WWI, Russians signed the Treaty of Brest-Litousk with Germany, giving them much of their land and upsetting tons of Russian people. Most did not like Bolsheviks in power or their policies and the murder of the royal family. A civil wart broke out soon after between the Bolsheviks and the white army. -
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Joseph Stalin Gains Power
Lenin had a stroke and that meant the high ups in the communist party could become leader of Russia. Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin were both considered for the role. Stalin was general secretary of the party and was gaining power. Lenin died in 1924 which put Trotsky in power. Stalin was leader of the communist party and then dictator once Leon was sent into exile in 1929.