Russia grungy flag by think0

Russian Revolution

  • CZar of russia crowned-Nicholas II

    Nicholas was crowned
  • Period: to

    Russian revolution

  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    A wave of people at political unrest that spread through vast areas in the Russian Empire.This was undirected.
  • Bloody sunday

    Bloody sunday
    This event was when the czars men openfired on peacful protesters becuase he got scared.
  • End of Russo-Japanese war

    End of Russo-Japanese war
    In the end President Teddy Roosavelt negotiated peace between the two countries although japan did win.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    This is when the Bolsheviks croosed throgh Germany.Lenin's plan was to "end the war" " all power to the soviets"
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    The Russians pull ouot of world war 1 and sign a peac treaty with the Germans, which forced Russia to give up a lot of land
  • End of the civil war

    Lennin negotiates peace with Germany
  • USSR is formed

    USSR is formed
    This was the forming of the Soviet Union