Alexander III become czar
what Alexander III do to cause unhappiness?
Alexander III was under no illusion that he could stuffier the same fate as his father. -
Nicholas II becomes Czar
how does Nicholas rule compare to his father's (same, different)?
Nicholas II was a highly sensitive man who preferred to be with his family than involve in the day today running of his nation. -
the Bolsheviks are formed
who was the leader of the Bolsheviks?why does he leave Russia? Russian revolution of 1905,Trotsky returned to Russia and was again exiled to Siberia when the revolution collapsed. -
Russo-Japanese war
why does this war cause unrest in Russia? the Russian-Japanese war of 1904?
The Russian-Japanese War of 1904-05, caused by Russian and Japanese expansionism in the Far East, inflicted humiliating defeats on Russia at land and sea -
bloody sunday
why does Lenin call this event a ''dress rehearsal"?
lenin stated that the October revolution of 1917 could never have taken place without the previous experience of the revolution of 1905. -
October duma creata
why do the people want a duma? the tsar was responsible for all key decisions,personally chairing the cabinet of ministers that could only recommend. why does Nicholas III not a duma? in 1905 Nicholas II faced a series of domestic problems that became know as the 1905 revolution.