Russian revolution e1301505149365

Russian Revolution

  • Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution

    Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg begins the 1905 Russian Revolution
    Bloody Sunday or Red Sunday is the name given to the events of Sunday, 22 January 1095 in St. Petersburg, Russia, when unarmed demonstrators led by Father Georgy Gapon were fired upon by soldiers of the Imperial Guard as they marched.
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    On 28, 1914, a young Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Taking place against a backdrop of escalating tensions in the Balkans, the assassination set off a chain of events that would lead to the start of World War I barely one month later.
  • The February Revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies in Petrograd

    The February Revolution begins with strikes, demonstrations, and mutinies in Petrograd
    In Russia, the February Revolution began in 1917, when riots and strikes over the scarcity of food erupts in Petrograd. By the end of 1917, most Russians had lost faith in the leadership ability of the czarist regime.
  • Lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd via a sealed train

    Lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd via a sealed train
    On April 16, 1917, Vladimir Lenin, leader of the revolutionary Bolshevik Party, returns to Petrograd after a decade of exile to take the reins of the Russian Revolution.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates
    During the February Revolution, Czar Nicholas II, ruler of Russia since 1894, is forced to abdicate the throne by the Petrograd insurgents, and a provincial government is installed in his place.
  • The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party

    The Bolshevik Party changes its name to the Communist Party
    Bolsheviki member of a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party, which led by Lenin, seized control of the government in Russia and became the dominant political power.
  • Russian Civil War Begins

    Russian Civil War Begins
    The Russian Civil War began in October, 1917 and ended in October, 1922.
  • Russia withdraws from World War I

    Russia withdraws from World War I
    War and Revolution in Russia 1914-1921. Russia signalled her withdrawal from World War One soon after the October Revolution of 1917, and the country turned in on itself with a bloody civil war between the Bolsheviks and conservative White Guard.
  • The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd via a sealed train

    The October Revolution - the Bolsheviks take over Petrograd via a sealed train
    October Revolution, also called Bolshevik Revolution, the second and last major phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917, in which the Bolshevik Party seized power in Russia.
  • The capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow

    The capital of Russia is changed from St. Petersburg to Moscow
    Between 1713 and 1728 and in 1732-1918, Saint Petersburg was the capital of imperial Russia.
  • Nicholas II and his family are executed

    Nicholas II and his family are executed
    In Yekaterinburg, Russia Czar Nicholas II and his family are executed by the Bolsheviks, bringing an end to the three-century-old Romanov dynasty.
  • Russian Civil War Ends

    Russian Civil War Ends
    The Russian Civil War was to tear Russia apart for three years between 1918 and 1921. The civil war occurred because after November 1917, many groups had formed the opposed Lenin's Bolsheviks. These groups included monarchists, militarists, and, for a short time, foreign nations. Collectively, they were known as the Whites while the Bolsheviks were known as the Reds.
  • Lenin suffers second stroke

    Lenin suffers second stroke
    Lenin suffered many strokes through his life. He experienced his first stroke on May 26, 1922. He had three strokes total. Lenin died on January 21, 1924.
  • The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics established

    The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics established
    Soviet Union, the new communist state was the successor to the Russian Empire and the first country in the world to be based on Marxist socialism.
  • Lenin dies

    Lenin dies
    Lenin died at the age of 53 after suffering many strokes.