Untitled drawing

Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Reign of Czar Alexander III

    Czar Alexander was an anti-semite and always chose the nobility over the peasants. He wanted one man to rule, and Russia to be one race and one religion. His reign started to make the Russian citizens dislike the Czar.
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    Reign of Czar Nicholas II

    Czar Nicholas wanted to have an absolute monarchy and opposed all democrat ideas. He was insensitive to the peasants struggles and changed the government to a constitutional monarchy, when they came to his house. The country blamed him for all military failures and many riots happened before he resigned. He created the Duma and was in power when the Russians revolt.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War was about a disagreement between russia and Japan over land in Northern China. Russia lost the war because they were not industrialized. Because of this Russian Citizens thought the government was inefficient and contributed to Czar Nicholas II bad reputation.
  • Establishment of the Duma

    The Duma was an elected legislature that did not have much power. Czar Nicholas created it because the peasants came to his house and complained about the way he ruled and because of Bloody Sunday.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Peasants went to Czar Nicholas II house to get better working conditions. The Czar's police fired on the crowd, killing 100 and injuring 3000. This created a reason for the Duma and contributed to Czar Nicholas II bad reputation.
  • Death of Rasputin

    Grigori Rasputin was a mystic, exorcist, and a healer. He assumed the power of the government while Czar Nicholas II was at WWI. He gave all of his friends government positions. It took many attempts to kill him some ways they tried were poison, shooting and drowning him. He was killed by the members of the nobility, which meant that the Czar's family was going to die.
  • Russia's Participation in WWI

    Russia was not industrialized during WWI and did poorly. Their many military failures were blamed on Czar Nicholas II, which added to his bad reputation.
  • Abdication of Czar Nicholas II/ Est. of Provisional Government

    After Czar Nicholas II steps down a government is set up in place of him. The Provisional Government is later overthrown by the Bolsheviks.
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    Bolshevik Revolution

    It was lead by Lenin who created the Cheka which attacked anyone who didn't support the revolution. Many people were killed by the Cheka during the Red Terror. They kill the Romanovs to signal the end of czardom. BEcause of the Bolshevik Revolution the Bolsheviks had complete power and ruined the economy of Russia and many people starved.
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    Russian Civil War

    During the Russian Civil War it was the Red Army (communists) against the White Army (conservatives and allies). The Red Army won because they had control of the industrialized areas and the White Army was not unified. The peasants had to give all their food to the government or they were killed. Many people starved and died.
  • Establishment of the USSR

    The USSR was established during 1922. It stood for the Union of Socialist Republic. They discouraged nationalism. It was lead by Lenin who held all power, until his death in 1924. Then Joseph Stalin took over. The USSR exists until 1991.
  • Lenin's Death

    Lenin died in 1924, 2 years after he created the USSR. Lenin's death caused competition between Trotsky and Stalin, Stalin got the job because he exiled Trotsky.
  • Stalin's Rise to Power

    Stalin rose to power because he had Leon Trotsky exiled and later killed. Stalin then became the dictator of the USSR.
  • Leon Trotsky's Exile

    Leon Trotsky was exiled to Mexico by Joseph Stalin in 1928. When Stalin exiled him, it allowed to take control of the USSR.