Nicholas II became Czar of Russia
From 1894 to 1917, was a staunch defender of autocracy. A weak monarch, he was forced to abdicate, thus ending more than 300 years of Romanov rule in Russia. -
Dissatisfied workers organize strike
When four members of the Assembly of Russian workers were dismissed at the Putilov Iron. Now industrial workers all over Russia went on strike -
Rasputin was murdered
Today it is believed that Rasputin was invited to dinner at the home of the Russian Nobleman Felix Yusupov, who then shot him; and that he was shot again by a second conspirator, Vladimir Purishkevich, before finally being dropped through a hole in the Neva river, where he finally died by drowning. -
March Revolution
The March Revolution was unplanned. When soldiers were ordered to shoot striking workers, they instead shot their officers. Which leads to provisional parliamentary government. -
Czar Nicholas abdicates the throne
The army garrison at Petrograd joined striking workers in demanding socialist reforms, and Czar Nicholas ll was forced to abdicate -
Lenin returns to Russia
German military leaders shipped Lenin to Russia from Switzerland by rail to "create disorder" within Russia. They traveled in a sealed railroad boxcar -
Civil War between red and white armies
The Russian Civil War was a civil war fought from November 1917 until October 1922 between several groups of Russia. The main fighting was between the Red Army and White Army. The Red Army was an army of communists. The White Army opposed the communists. -
Bolshevik Revolution topples provisional goverment
leftist revolutionaries launch a nearly bloodless coup d'Etat against Russia's ineffectual Provisional Government.
Bolshevik Russia, later renamed the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (USSR), was the world's first Marxist state. -
Bolshevik change name to Communist Party
The Russian Communist Party(Bolsheviks) was held during 6-8 March 1918. Bolsheviks changed the name of their party to include the word "Communist". They changed it because it was the first congress of Bolsheviks after gaining the power in the October Revolution. -
Lenin suffers stroke
Lenin suffers from a series of increasingly series strokes between late 1921 and 1924. It left him speechless and paralyzed. He made two tragic mistakes this period. Supported ban on factions, and appointed Josef Stalin General Secretary of Communist Party. -
Lenin establishes New Economic Policy (NEP)
His response to the poor economy he adopted and how he planned to improve it.