Screenshot 2019 03 21 at 12.28.05 pm

Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • Czar Alexander III

    Czar Alexander III
    Anti semetic In Russia was in association with him which caused jews to riot
    The nobility over working class
    Autocracy,orthodoxy, national homeogenity
    Made the working class and peasants feel opressed while nobility felt powerful
    Significance: set stage for russian people being upset with Czar Nicholas II
  • Czar Nicholas II

    Czar Nicholas II
    Believed that absolute power should stay in the monarchy and disagreed with democratic views
    the agricultural country struggled to industrialize and he ignored the problems
    WW1 made him blamed for all the military failures because he didn't listen to others
    March 1917 street demonstrations broke out and he realized how severe the situation was and he abdicated the throne
    Significance: he was disliked because he wanted to rule the Russian monarchy and ignored Russia's problem
  • Russo-Japanese war

    Russo-Japanese war
    Disagreement over territory in Northern China
    Japan had advantages in having more ground troops and superior naval forces
    Citizens of Russia thought government was inefficient which caused a strike
    contributes to Czar Nicholas II bad reputation
    Significance:This led to the Russian Revolution when people blamed the Czar wanted to change Russia's government into a constitutional monarchy
  • Duma

    Legislature created after bloody sunday when Czar realized he needed help fixing the country.
    Significance: Czar was known to support absolute rule
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    workers marched on the Czars winter palace demanding better living and working conditions
    police fired on crowd killing 100,injuring 3,000
    After Bloody sunday, there was more internal strife and disorder
    Czar Nicholas instituted The Duma and turned Russia into a constitutional monarchy
    Significance:The Russian people had an uprising and had a lessened belief in government.
  • Russia's participation in WW1

    Russia's participation in WW1
    They had a huge army of over a million but were unlucky by having millions of fatalities during the time of war
    These were blamed on Czar nicholas seeing he had multiple military failures and wouldn't take advice
    This was also the blame for leaving the government to Alexandra and Rasputin.
    Significance: This was apart of the start of the revolution
  • Death of Rasputin

    Death of Rasputin
    The Czar and Alexandra were dependent of this creepy man because they believed he would cure their only son Alexi
    He assumed power in Russia during WW1
    Assasinated by nobility in 1916
    Gave Alexandra a letter predicted that if he was killed by her family they would die within two years
    Significance :That later comes true and they are killed in the revolution by the cheka
  • Abdication of Czar Nicholas II

    Abdication of Czar Nicholas II
    After failure in WW1 Czar was blamed and had a lot of pressure
    After street demonstrations broke out he had realized how serious the situation was
    On march 15 he stepped down which created the Provisional government
    Significance: the temporary government will fail and cause many problems in Russia during the revolution
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    The Bolsheviks were a group of communists that weren't happy with the Provisional government's choices
    They decided to overthrow the government
    They wanted to change by redistribute farmland to peasants, turn factories over to workers
    They ended involvement in WW1
    This made other sides of russia unhappy that support absolute rule so they went to war.
    Significance: creates civil war
  • Russian civil war

    Russian civil war
    Conflict between the Red army (communists) led by Vladmir and the White army
    White army was given help from the foreign like GB, France and the US
    Red army won because they had more control over larger areas and many were pushed to siberia
    Cheka created to eliminate any threats to the red army
    Significance: the red army caused Russia much stress because many were killed by the Cheka
  • Establishment of the USSR(Soviet Union)

    Establishment of the USSR(Soviet Union)
    Union of Soviet Republics or Soviet Union
    self governing republics, discourage nationalism
    Communist party holds up all power, not true communist still has government
    significance: they don't want another war after all the tragedys and stress on Russia
  • Stalin's rise to power

    Stalin's rise to power
    Manipulates his way into power despite Lenin's concerns
    by 1928 Stalins in total command
    Significance: Stalin will later become the dictator of Soviet union
  • Lenin's death

    Lenin's death
    Lenin died in 1924
    This causes competition between who will become the leader
    Leon trotsky, red army commander, was who Lenin wanted to take over
    Joseph Stalin, man of steel, was also in the competition as he was rising
    Significance: Joseph stalin would become higher power
  • Leon Trotsky's exile

    Leon Trotsky's exile
    Stalin had trotsky exiled Leon trotsky in 1929
    He saw him as a threat after he'd already taken total control of the communist party
    He got exiled to Mexico but Stalin still doesn't feel safe and has someone kill him with a axe in the back of his head
    Significance: Stalin had become a well known name and powerful impact on Russia which will show when WW2 comes around