Marxists Revolutionaries split
Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader. -
Russia Loses the Russo-Japanese War
Japan and Russia fought for control of Korea and Manchuria in the late 1800’s. Russia broke the agreements of the territories and Japan attacked at Point Arthur. Russia suffered huge losses and a revolt sparked. -
Bloody Sunday
Workers in Russia had pretty bad working conditions. On this Sunday, 200,000 workers approached the Czar’s palace and asked for better working conditions. Soldiers were ordered to shoot into the crowd over 1,000 people were injured and a few hundred were killed. -
The first meeting of the Duma
The Czar had finally approved a Russian Parliament in October of 1905. The leaders in the Duma wished for the government to become a constitutional monarchy. This parliament was taken apart after 10 weeks. -
Russia Joins the Fight
Nicholas II finally decides to put Russia into the midst of World War I. They were unprepared and too weak to enter the war and it revealed their weakness with their Czarist rule. -
Women Take a Stand
Women who worked in the textile factories in Petrograd led a strike. Riots exploded through the city for the next five days. Originally, soldiers shot down protesters, but decided to side with them in the end. -
Bolsheviks Attack
A group calling themselves the Bolshevik Red Guards stormed the palace and overtook government officials. Most of the officials were arrested by their attackers. -
Russia is out of the War
Russia had run out of resources and could not continue the war. To get out, Russia and Germany sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. It stated that Russia must surrender parts of its land to Germany and the other Central Powers. This treaty made many Russians angry. -
Civil War
Since 1918, Russia had been locked into a civil war, Bolsheviks vs a mixed group of enemies. 1920 was the year that this war ended, the Bolsheviks won. -
New Economic Policies
Lenin proposed a small scale of capitalism for farmers. He allowed farmers to sell portions of their crops instead of giving them to the government. The government continued to control everything else but this gave a little freedom. -
Stalin takes over
Lenin suffered from a stroke but did not die. He was not able to rule properly, so Stalin began to rise to power. Once Lenin died, Stalin had officially became the new communist ruler of Russia in 1922.