First Romanov ruler
Michael Romanov -
the most significant event in the rule of Alexander II
the Great Reforms -
The Birth of Vladimir Lenin
Ulyanovsk, Russia -
1 event in Lenin's life that would help him become the leader of the revolution
the execution by hanging of his older brother Alexander after Alexander had plotted to kill the Czar
- it promted his radical views against the Russian government -
1 significant step Nicholas took to maintain power
Bloody Sunday - nicholas's troops were ordered to open fire on demonstrators trying to improve working conditions -
Last Romanov Emperor (Czar)
Czar Nicolas II abdicated his throne to his brother Michael who refused it the next day -
2 problems in Russia that ked to the czar's abdication in1917
Protopopov went crazy and was convinced that he was Rasputen, and brought doubt to the Duma.
NIcholas did not immediatley react until it was too late and was forced to sign his letter of abdication (between 11-12pm/am)