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Between 1863-1900 the number of factories doubled. Trans-Siberian railway was made. This allowed trade. And more jobs -
Czars Resist Change
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Czars Resist Change
Nicholas II kept tradition of autocracy. People saw they could advance. People were against autocracy. Didn’t want police watching over them. -
Bloody Sunday
200,000 workers and their families went to Czars palace in hopes of more freedom and better wages. Created the Duma Russia’s first Parliament -
Nicholas Promises More Freedom
Approved of the creation of Duma. Russia’s first Parliment. It was the first Duma met in may 1906. -
White Army And Civil War
White Army And Civil War
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White Army And Civil War
Believed that bringing a King back to rule would help Russian Empire. White army just did not want the Bolsheviks in power. White army lost -
New Economic Policies
Lenin restored to a small scale version of Capitalism called New economic policy. Allowing peasants to sell surplus crops rather turning them in -
Stalin Becomes Dictator
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Stalin becomes Dictator
Russian Revolution did not change much. They kicked out the Czears just to put a dictator into power.