
Russian Revolution

  • Russo Japanese-War

    The Japanese Army, and Navy completely destroyed Russia. Russia was pretty upset at how Japan at the time was a very small country.
    This infulenced the Russian Revultion by the russian people being mad at the weak governemnt, and wanting to overthrow them.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Civil rights protestors were openly shot by soldiers that were sent by the Tsar.
    This infulenced the revolution by the russian people being angry at the Tsar, and ovethrowing him.
  • Revolultion 1905

    Peasants, soldiers, and workers strike and protest politically and socailly towards the governemnt.
    This influences the revolution, by it creating a monarchy, and a constitution, which made people happy.
  • Russia joins World War 1

    Russia got invloved to help their ally Serbia, who got into war with Austria.
    This infulenced the revolution, by the governemnt not giving the army proper equipment, and supplies, which made a lot of them die, and get mad at the government.
  • Grigory Rasputin

    Grigory Rasputin
    Grigroy came into power, when the Tsar joined the war, and he really scewed up the governemnt.
    This influenced the revolution, because Rasputin was very evil, and he made the russian people hate the governemnt even more.
  • February Revolution

    Russian soldiers, and revolutionaries revolt against the governemnt, which led to the Tsar abdication.
    This influenced the revolution, with the creation of the russian republic, and better conditions for peasants, and workers.
  • November Revolution

    The Russoian provisional governemnt is overthrown, and the russian civil war is started.
    This infleuenced the revolution, from people dying in the civil war, and soviet Russia being created.
  • Russian civil War

    A war fought between the red, and white army. The red army comes up on top, and the soviet union is created.
    This inlfuneced the revolution, by lots of countries gaining independence, and russian getting under control.
  • Russia leaves World War 1

    Russia left the war to deal with problems at home, mostly a civi war.
    This infleunced the revolution, by letting people focus more on the revolution, and getting the government under control.
  • Abdication of the Tsar

    Abdication of the Tsar
    The Tsar was abdicated, from all of the revolts, and riots. He was eventually executed.
    This infulenced the revolution, with the start of a new governemnt, and revolution.
  • Death of the Romanovs

    Death of the Romanovs
    The royal family, The Romanovs, were executed by the Ural soviet.
    This influenced the revolution, by the russian people pleased that they got payback.
  • Forming the USSR

    A socialist state, governed by the communist party, with Moscow as their capital.
    This infleunced the revolution, by the russian people not wanting to be in a communist state, and revolting it.
  • Lenins death and replacement

    Lenins death and replacement
    He was a communist politician who died, and was replaced by Joseph Stalin.
    This influenced the revolution, by Stalin being very successful, and getting the russian peoples hopes up on the homefront.