Decembrist Revolt
In December of 1825 in St. Petersburg, Russia, a group of military officials and liberals who felt threatened by the new rulers conservative views staged a revolt against Tsar Nicholas I and were defeated. As a result of this revolt, Nicholas I implemented a variety of new regulations to prevent the spread of the liberal movement in Russia.
Period: to
Russian Revolution
Emancipation of the Serfs
Serfs were unique to Russia and were like a slave that were tied to a land, where they worked, but were owned by a landowner. Slavery was legal in Russia until 1723, until it was abolished by Peter the Great. The manifesto law gave serfs the right to be free, marry, own land, and their own business. Unfortunately the serfs were only able to buy land of poor quality for more than a third over their market rate.
Bloody Sunday
“Bloody Sunday” was on January 22, 1905 in Petersburg, Russia, where unarmed demonstrators were fired upon. It was recorded that 96 were killed and 333 were injured. Anti-governments claimed more than 4,000 killed, from being shot or trampled. Gapon then returned to Russia but said to be assassinated when he revealed to his friend that he worked for the secret police.
Revolution of 1905
Russian Revolution of 1905, uprising that was instrumental in convincing Tsar Nicholas II to attempt the transformation of the Russian government from an autocracy into a constitutional monarchy. Their protests ranged from liberal rhetoric to strikes and included student riots and terrorist assassinations. (“www.britannica.com”.n.d.)
Russia enters WWI
Russian announced mobilization of their army . Germany soon declared war with Russia in the Battle of Tannenberg, with Russia losing. And also losing 100,000 as prisoners to Germany. Russia soon declared war on Turkey. Russian Revolution was March 15, 1917. Germany and Russia signed the Armistice. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was also signed between Germany and Russia. (“www.history-timelines.org”.n.d.)
Rasputin murdered
VIDEORasputin was a peasant who claimed to have the powers of healing and prediction,but was making love with the married empress Tsarina.The people thought that this would destroy Russia, so his death was for a family member of Tsarina’s to befriend Rasputin, to be on December 16-17, at the Yusupov palace. After Rasputin was shot and presumed dead, Rasputin soon came alive again. Rasputin was then shot 3 times and beaten with a dumbbell, but was still alive. So his arms and legs were then bound with -
March Revolution
Began as strikes from Duma in St. Petersburg. Russian troops instead joined the protests. Nicholas then wanted to give the throne to his brother, but his brother refused. Duma then formed a Provisional Government. This reached an agreement with Petrograd Soviet to rule the country together. But the Provisional Government made the mistake of keeping Russian in the war, weakening its power. Being overthrown by the Bolsheviks. (“leaning.blogs.nytimes.org)\
Bolshevik Revolution
VIDEOProvisional Government in charge. Lenin joined the Bolshevik Party to overthrow the Provisional Government. Soldiers and peasants took land for themselves,and ended up defeated. The Bolshevik party began a revolution on November 6-7, 1917, they were known as the “Red guards”, seizing elelectric works, etc... They stormed into Winter Palace, which made thethe Provisions fall to the Bolsheviks feet. Leading to the creation of the world’’s first socialist, and the formation of Soviet Union in 1922 -
Murder of the Romanovs
VIDEOThe Romanov family was murdered at Ekaterinburg on July 17th, 1918. After his abdication in March 1917, Nicholas and his family had been put under house arrest and kept just outside of St. Petersburg. His family, the maid, and the family physician were ordered to their cellar where they were shot to death. (“www.historylearningsite.com”.n.d.) -
Treaty of Versailles
It was a peace settlement signed after World War I had ended in 1918 and in the shadow of the Russian Revolution. It was signed at the vast Versailles Palace near Paris. The Versailles Palace was considered the most appropriate venue because of its size. For the final signing ceremony many hundreds of people were involved. (“www.historylearningsite.com”.n.d.) -
Vladimir Dies
Vladimir Lenin died January 21, 1924, from the three strokes he had. Was almost Fifty four in age. Was in an open casket as a cube-like structure of gleaming red granite. His Orthodoxy became a fixture of nearly every Soviet institution. Was also a birthplace of the October Revolution named Leningrad on January 26, 1924. Lenin was typified as the discourse of immortality.
(“www.soviethistory.org”.n.d.) -
Stalin Takes Power
When Lenin died he noted in a will that Stalin was dangerous and should be dismissed. Everyone thought Trotsky, a brilliant leader of the red army, would become leader. But Stalin soon took power. Stalin was General Secretary of the Communist party in 1922. Stalin sided with the first half with Zinoviev and Kamenev to cover Lenin’s will and to dismiss Trotsky in 1925. (www.johndclare.net”.n.d.)