300px russian revolution of 1917

Russian Revolution

  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    The first time an asian power beat a europen power. This war showed russias weakness
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Marked the beginning of a russian revolution.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    The attempt to change russia from an autocracy to a constatutional monarchy.
  • Creation of the Duma

    Creation of the Duma
    The first russian parliment.
  • Russia enters WW1

    Russia enters WW1
    joining world war 1 was used as a distraction for all the unhappiness in russia.
  • March Revolution begins

    March Revolution begins
    Shortage of fuel and bread led to this revolution. many people supported this preotest
  • Nicholas 2 abdicates the throne

    Nicholas 2 abdicates the throne
    Nicholas was abdicated and replaced with a provisional government
  • Lenin returns from exile in Germany

    Lenin returns from exile in Germany
  • Kerensky heads the provisional government

    Kerensky heads the provisional government
    The provisional government took over after Nicholas' abdication.
  • Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
    The civil war happened because of people opposing lenins ideas.
  • Lenin takes power

    Lenin takes power
    The bolshiviks came into power and Lenin became the most powerful man in the country.
  • Russia pulls out of world war 1

    Russia pulls out of world war 1
    Russia pulled out of the war because the bolshiviks promised to.
  • Assassination of Romanov family

    Assassination of Romanov family
  • Trotsky wins Cival War

    Trotsky wins Cival War
  • Stalin comes to power

    Stalin comes to power
  • Russia becomes a totalitarian state

    Russia becomes a totalitarian state
  • Great Purge

    Great Purge