Russo-Japanese War
Russia and Japan competed for control of Korea and Manchuria. Russia broke the agreement they signed so Japan attacked them at Port Arthur. This caused much unrest at home and led to war. -
Bloody Sunday
Many workers petitioned for better working conditions, more freedom. Many were wounded or killed. After they were promised more freedom. -
Revolution of 1905
Creation of the Duma
Russia enters WW1
When Nicholas 2 had russia enter the war they were unprepared. There were wear generals and poor troops. Many were killed or injured. -
March Revolution begins
Many woman textile workers went on strike. After that many riots were done about the shortages of bread and fuel. Soldiers sided with them. -
Nicholas II abdicates the throne
Lenin returns to exile in Germany
Kerensky Heads the provisional goverment
Civil War begins
This was a deadly war for the Russians, more than 14 million were killed. A famine followed the war. -
Lenin takes power
The leader of the Bolsheviks. He returned from exile and started to take charge. -
Russia pulls out of WW1 (Brest-Litovsk)
Russia and Germany signed this treaty. Russia surrendered a large part of its territory to Germany and its allies. -
Assassination of Romanov Family
After the Bolsheviks took power they ordered this family to be exacuted. -
Trotsky wins Civil War
Stalin comes to power
After Lenin died Stalin became in total power of the Communist Party. -
Russia becomes a totalitarian state
Totalitarianiam describes a goverment that take total control, centralized, state control over every aspect of public and private life. -
Period: to
Great Purge
Stalin launched this. It was a campaign of terror directed at eliminating anyone who threatened his power.