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Russian Revoltion

By maddie1
  • Nicholas II crowned Tsar of Russia

    Nicholas II crowned Tsar of Russia
    This was the last crowning cervice ever to happen in Russia
    Tsar Nicholas was born on May 18, 1868 in Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov in Pushkin, Russia
    He was crowned on May 26, 1896
  • Exile to Siberia

    Exile to Siberia
    Leon Troksy exiled to Siberia for revolutionary activity
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    This war was about colonies and territory. The Jappansesse crushed the Russian army. This was a major embarrasment to the Tsar.
  • Who were the Mensheviks

    Who were the Mensheviks
    Led by L. Martov, the Mensheviks were against Lenin and the Bolsheviks. They were the minority.
  • Who was Georgy Gapon

    Who was Georgy Gapon
    Georgy Gapon organized some of the processions for Bloody Sunday.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    This happened in St.Petersburg.
    150,000 workers,women, and children walked tranquilly marched to the tsars winter palace. The people marching held religious iconsand crosses. Hundreds and hundreds of the tsars soldiers opposed the marchers wounding and killing many. This was later known as "Bloody Sunday". This started the Revolution of 1905
  • October Manifesto

    October Manifesto
    (October 17 in old times)
    This was a document issued by Tsar Nicholas ll. This was ushered twards an era of constitutional monarchy. -
  • Who was Joseph Stalin

    Who was Joseph Stalin
    Dictator of Soviet Republics -
    First Commander in the Bolshevik party afyter Lenein was exiled to Siberia
    He intended to change the Soviet union
  • Who was Rasputin

    Who was Rasputin
    Rasputin was the Tsarinas Mystical Adviser. He was known as the "mad monk". He had a reputation as a mystical healer. He was introduced to Tsar Nicholas and his wife when they were looking for help for their sick son. He supposedly cured thier son and gained their trust. THe Tsarina was most fond of him. He soon became the Royal Families mystical advisor.He was assasinated on December 29, 1916
  • Who was the White Army

    Who was the White Army
    People who supported the provisional govornment
  • Okhrana

    An organization set up after Alexander ll was assasinated to maintain security and revolutionary activities.
  • Who was Alexander Kerensky

    Who was Alexander Kerensky
    Russian Politician
    Led the Provisional govornment
    Member of Duma
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    The tsar abdicated

    Workers striked

    Peasants and Proletariats got very angry
    Riots were happening because of food shortages
    Many people were killed
    Rioters got into prisions and set the prisioners free
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    This was the Bolsheviks (led by Vladamir Lenin) They were trying capture the govornment building and the tsars Winter Palace. They succeded. Soon Moscow, as well as many other cities were now taken over by the Bolsheviks. Orthodox Churches were attaked, banks were nationaliazed, And a new supreem economy was formed.
  • Begin Of the Civil War

    Begin Of the Civil War
    This was the bigining of the civil war.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The Treaty of Breast-Litovsk was a peace treaty signed to take Russia out of WW1. This did releive Russia a little, but they were still in need of a better economey and in need of more money.
  • Russian Civil War Ends

    Russian Civil War Ends
    Russian Civil war ends

    Bolsheviks win
  • USSR is formed

    USSR is formed
    The USSR was formed to comprimise the federation of Russia, Ukrain, Belorussia, and the Transcaucasian Federation.
  • Who was Vladimir Lenin

    Who was Vladimir Lenin
    Vladimir Lenin was the founder of the Bolshevik Party
    Leader of Russia after Provisoinal govornment was defeated in the Russian CIvil War until Stalin took over
    Exiled to Siberia