The Decembrist Revolt
It is a document that not even nicholas knew about saying that he was heir to the thrown. -
Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia
on november 1st 1894 nicholas II became czar because his dad dies. Was czar from1894-1917. -
The Russo-Japenese War
The russian expantion scared japan and so they went to war. The russian army had some disadvantages like the railroad only had one track and that the japenese took Port Arther. -
The March Revelution
This revelution focased around Petrograd. During the revelution members of the parliment took control of the country. -
Nicholas II abdicates his throne
Czar Nocholas ii had to abdicate his throne when his army decided to join the protesters against him so then he had to abdicate his thrown -
The Russian civil war begins
This war lasted 3 years. The whites and the reds were involved. The reds were pro-communim and the whites were anti-communism. -
World War 1 (Russian involvment)
Czar Nicholas ii personaly told his army to go to battle. -
The Createtion of the u.s.s.r.
It was a socialist soviet party in russia. -
Vladamir lelin's death
Vladimir died of a stroke. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloddy Sunday appened when the military was called to a queit protest a fired into the crowd.About 200 people dies and about 800 people were wonded