Tsar nicholas ii russia

Russian Key Terms Timeline (Nebe, Dylan,Lamonte,B.K)

  • Rasputin

    Russian orthodox Christian, "Mad Monk" considered psychic and faith healer
  • V.I Lenin

    Russian marxist revolutionary and communist politician
  • Mensheviks

    minority... Julius Martove disputed Lenin on minor issues then split with the Bolsheviks to create new party
  • Russo-Japanese War

    great war of 20th century, from rival imperial ambitions of the Russian and Japanese Empire over Manchuria and Korea
  • Revolution of 1905

    wave of mass political and social unrest, some directed towards govt and some undirected
  • Bloody Sunday

    massacre in St.Petersburg where unarmed peacful protesters were gunned down by the imperial guard
  • Soviets

    socialist single-party state ruled by the communist party
  • Bolsheviks

    majority founded by Lenin. Mass orginization consisting primarily of workers under a democratic internal hierarchy
  • Abdication

    To formally rellinquish power or responsibility
  • Duma

    Representitive assembly in Russia
  • Alexander Kerensky

    major political leader during Russian Revolutions
  • Alexander Kerensky

    major political leader during Russian Revolutions
  • Russia in WW1

    high crusade against the germans, common enemy, very large army, "Russian Steamroller"
  • March Revolution: general strike

    Centered in Petograd. Teh immediate result was the abdication of Tsar Nicholas!
  • Tsar Nicholas II

    Last tsar of Russia, wasn't suited for his job and didn't want to become appointed supreme ruler of Russia
  • Tsarina Alexandra

    Tsar Nicholas's wife. People didn't like her because she was German and Rasputin influenced her
  • October Revolution

    The Bolshevik party, led by Vladimir Lenin, overthrew the provisional Govt. in St. Petersburg
  • Communists

    Movement to create classless social structured upon common ownership as well as social, political, and economic ideology.
  • Provisional Government

    unelected governments that arise in the aftermath of evil or foreign wars.In Russia it was government immediatly following the abdication of Tsar Nicholas
  • Cheka

    Established in 1917. State security orginization of the Bolsheviks government.
  • Tsar

    was a title used to designate certain European Slavic monarchs or supreme rulers.
  • April Theses

    series of directives issued by Lenin upon his retern to Petogard
  • War communism

    Military communes, economic and political systems that existed in the Soviet Union (1918-1921)
  • The White Army

    Anti-communist forces that fought the Bolsheviks
  • Leon Trotsky

    Russian Marxist revolutionary theorist, soviet leader, and first Leader of the Red Army
  • Alexandra Kollontai/Zhenotdel

    In November 1918 Alexandra Kollontai, and many others organized the First National Congress of Women Workers and Peasants.
  • Treaty of Brest Livtosk

    Peace treaty between Russia and Cental Powers
  • Russia Civil War

    multi-party war fought between the Bolshevik Red Army and the White Army
  • The Red Army

    Workers and peasents were apart of the Red Army. They became members of the red army by it growing into the national army of the soviet union.
  • 3 sloagans

    "War is Peace"
    "Freedom is slavery"
    "Knowledge is ignorance" George orwell wrote these quotes in his book