
Russian History up to 1917

By IamCase
  • Jan 1, 1200


    Mongols conquered Kievan Rus, Slavs moved northward and made small settlements and the trading post of Moscow..
  • Jan 1, 1480

    Ivan III

    Ivan III
    Ivan III rejects Mongol rule and becomes known as Ivan the Great because he was a strong ruler.
  • Jan 1, 1547

    Ivan the terrible

    Ivan the terrrible declares himself the Czar of Russia because he ruled harshley over the people.
  • St. Petersburg

    Peter the Great begins the construction of the capital of Russia, St. Petersburg.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte launches an attack on Russia but loses due to lack of supplies and shelter.
  • Alexander II

    Alexander II releases all the countries serfs, or slaves.
  • World War One

    Russia joined the Allied Forces in World War One, but suffered many defeats
  • Vladimir Lenin

    Vladimir Lenin overthrows Czar Nicholas II and Russia's temporary government, making him leader. He established communism and became dicatator.
  • Kievan Rus

    Kievan Rus
    The city of Kievan Rus is created by Slavs. It is used as a trading post that specialized with river trade and had a few small settlements.
  • Christianity

    Missionarys bring Christianity to kievan Rus. The Missionaries brought writen languages to Kievan Rus.
  • Period: to

    Russian History to 1917

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