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Russian History Timeline

  • 800

    Scandinavian Warriors

    Scandinavian Warriors
    When "vikings" (Varangians) & Slavs settle near Volga & Dnieper Rivers in russia.
  • 1200


    The Mongols invade Kiev and rule the area for over 200 years
  • 1470

    Ivan lll "The great"

    Ivan lll "The great"
    He ended the mongol rule and managed to claim freedom; They also expanded their territory.
  • 1530

    Ivan IV "The terrible"

    Ivan IV "The terrible"
    He was russia's first crowned "official" czar. He was also known as terrible, as he started many unnecessary wars and even murdered his own son! (from what evidence we see)
  • Most Peasants become serfs

    Most Peasants become serfs
    Serfs are basically slaves, they are bound to the land and work under the control of the nobility
  • Peter l "the great"

    Peter l "the great"
    He achived many goals, including enlarging territory, modernizing russia, developed trade partners, and even created a new capital.
  • Czar Alexandra ll

    Czar Alexandra ll
    He was assassinated, but he moved serfs to cities and promoted russification. He also supported socialism.
  • Bolsheviks seized control

    Bolsheviks seized control
    A revolutionary group that strongly believed in communism, they were lead by Vladimir Lenin and overthrow control from Czar nicholas ll
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
    Governed russia with an "iron fist". Killed anyone who disagreed with him. Defeated Hitler in WW ll and demander half pf Europe afterwards.
  • Present

    Communism fails and changes from a command to a market economy.