Russian History

  • 900

    Kievan Rus (900)

    Kievan Rus (900)
    First official Russian state is formed
  • 1533

    Ivan The Terrible (1533 - 1584)

    Ivan The Terrible (1533 - 1584)
    Expanded Russia to the east
    Beat back the mongols at Kazan
    Built legacy, land, and architecture
    Killed his son and left no heir
    Times of Trouble - Civil war in Russia in times to find new heir
  • Peter The Great (1682 - 1725)

    Peter The Great (1682 - 1725)
    • Brought stability back to Russia
    • tried to make Russia more like Europe (took trips in disguise to England, Denmark, Germany, Holland, and France)
    • Was supposed to rule with his sister (not happy with that and through his sister in convent)
    • Built St. Petersburg (window of the west)
    • Died when he tried to save pheasant from downing and got pneumonia.
  • Catherine the Great (1762 - 1796)

    Catherine the Great (1762 - 1796)
    • German Princess who overthrew her husband
    • Spoke of beneficial ideas, but ruled with an iron fist
    • Captured crimean peninsula from the Turks
    • Spoke about freeing the Serfs, however never did
  • Nicholas II (1894 - 1917)

    Nicholas II (1894 - 1917)
    • Ruled during pre-revolutionary Russia
    • Continued the tradition of absolute monarch
      • Russo-Japanese war
    • Defeat for Russia led to political instability
    • After unrest, Russia changed to a constitutional monarchy.
  • Rasputin (1908)

    Rasputin (1908)
    • Was known as the Mad Monk
    • Wandered around Russia claiming he had special powers
    • Built up a bad reputation in St.Petersburg (slept with dozens of women and was a alcoholic)
    • Killed in 1916 with many attempts before he was actually dead
      • 1st- served cake laced with cyanide (no effect stayed alive)
      • 2nd- shot several times (staggering wounds and bleeding, stade alive)
      • 3rd - pushed body through hole in a iced river (move around for several minutes before dying
  • The March Revolution (1917)

    The March Revolution (1917)
    • People organized strikes/protests demanding food and fuel
    • Soldiers who were sent to stop the protests ended up joining.
    • Nicholas II gave up his power (March 15, 1917)
      • End of 300 year Romanov dynasty.
  • The Provisional Government (March 15, 1917)

    The Provisional Government (March 15, 1917)
    • Temporary central government in Russia after Nicholas II stepped down
    • Led by Alexander Kerensky
      • Saw war effort as #1 priority
      • Had to deal with soldiers deserting, transportation problems, low arms production, etc.
      • Provisional government does not pull Russia out of WW1.
  • The Bolsheviks (October 1917)

    The Bolsheviks (October 1917)
    • Radical Revolutionary group in Russia
      • Wanted a socialist society
    • Led by Vladamir Lenin
      • Slogan = “Peace, land, and bread!”
  • Russian Revolution (November 1917)

    Russian Revolution (November 1917)
    • AKA Bolshevik Revolution
    • Bolsheviks staged a Coup d’etat in St. Petersburg (unlawful seizure of power from government)
      • Overthrew the provisional govt.
    • Bolsheviks claimed absolute power.
  • Russian Civil War (1918 - 1921)

    Russian Civil War (1918 - 1921)
    • Communists vs. Political Opponents
    • Communists defeat opponents “the whites”
    • Bolsheviks imposed policy called “war communism”
      • Took control of all industries
    • Killed imprisoned Czar + family
    • Set up Cheka (secret police force)
    • Placed restrictions on the Church
    • Lenin and communists end with complete control
  • Lenin and Russia (1921 - 1924)

    Lenin and Russia (1921 - 1924)
    • State of Russia was horrible
      • Between 1921 and 1924, 27 million Russians died
      • Economy in shambles
      • Peasants still starving
    • Allows a little capitalism to kick start economy (plans to end soon)
    • Lenin dies in 1924
  • Soviet Union (1922)

    Soviet Union (1922)
    • Formed on December 30,1928
    • Was a multi ethnic empire controlled by Moscow
    • Led by
      • Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (1922-1928)
      • Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (1924 - 1953)
    • Soviet union collapsed in 1991
  • Trotsky vs. Stalin (1924 - 1940)

    Trotsky vs. Stalin (1924 - 1940)
    • Trotsky closer to Lenin and more well-known
    • Stalin outmaneuvered Trotsky politically
      • Ability to remove and appoint govt. Officials
      • Once he gained control, he exiled Trotsky to Siberia
    • Trotsky eventually moved to Mexico City
    • Stalin sent assassin to kill him (1940)
  • Joseph Stalin (1924 - 1953)

    Joseph Stalin (1924 - 1953)
    • Ruled from 1924 - 1953
    • Stalin was a dictator
    • Erased people he thought where enemies of the state
    • Responsible for next major exstension of communist control
    • Committed genocide in Ukraine (second genocide, 10 million dead, and starved people)
    • Invaded eastern Europe as buffer with west (then put communist rulers in those countries
    • Stalin wanted to be surrounded by "friendly" countries
  • The Cold War (1947 - 1991)

    The Cold War (1947 - 1991)
    • Between U.S. and Soviet union
      • Soviets feared capitalism & Americans feared communism
      • USSR was determined to make all Eastern European countries communist
      • Policy of containment created to stop the spread of communism
    • Arms Race
      • Soviets tested first ICBM capable of warhead delivery in U.S.
      • U.S. tested a similar missile later and both countries realized they had amazing power at their disposal.
  • The Thaw (1956 - 1962)

    The Thaw (1956 - 1962)
    • Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, attempts to establish some free enterprise in Soviet economy.
    • Signed INF Treaty with U.S. that placed restrictions on intermediate-range nuclear weapons.
  • Berlin Wall (1961)

    Berlin Wall (1961)
    • This wall split Berlin into East and West
    • This wall stayed up from 1961-1989
    • Many people would die daily in the dead zone trying to cross
    • The wall was torn down by citizens on November 9, 1989
  • Detente and a Colder War (1969 - 1979)

    Detente and a Colder War (1969 - 1979)
    • SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) froze number of ballistic missiles on both sides.
    • Nixon visited communists in China
    • U.S. began selling excess grain to Soviets
    • End of Detente in 1979 when Soviets invaded Afghanistan
  • Final Period of the Cold War (1985–1991 )

    Final Period of the Cold War (1985–1991 )
    • Ronald Raegan and tensions between soviet and US increased
    • Reagan call Soviets “Evil Empire” and sent troops to Afghanistan to fight off soviets
    • 1980, US and the Soviets had about 12,000 missiles point at each other
    • Soviets could not financially compete in the Arms Race (aka Star Wars)
  • End of Soviet Union (1991)

    End of Soviet Union (1991)
    • Gorbachev reform programs were an end to economic support for the soviet bloc countries
    • Gorbachev implied that the soviet union would no longer rescue the communist governments from International conflict
    • Resulted in the fall of the Berlin wall when the Soviet Union failed to intervene there
    • Gorbachev reforms led to political downfall (end of cold war era)
    • New Russia is formed
    • All republics gain independence
  • Rise of Putin (1999 -2013)

    Rise of Putin (1999 -2013)
    • Putin's background
      • Stars as a mayor
      • Becomes prime minister
      • Then president for 2 terms
      • Later changed the law so he can serve as president again
    • Russia invades Georgia - 2008
      • Two provinces invaded and declared independence from Georgia
    • 2013 issue in Ukraine
      • Govt. decides not to sign the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, instead choosing closer ties to Russia.
  • Maidan Revolution (2013 - 2014)

    Maidan Revolution (2013 - 2014)
    • Orange Revolution - name of peaceful protest
    • During protest people where harmfully beat with Iron Sticks not plastic
    • Who - citizens were protesting to overthrow the new president because of vote corruption
    • What - Were beat by the Verkut with Iron Sticks
    • Where - Protest took place at government buildings
    • Why - this was all to overthrow the president and to solve vote corruption
  • Russian and Ukrainian war (2014 - Present Day)

    Russian and Ukrainian war (2014 - Present Day)
    • Russia annexed Crimea after a widely disputed vote. (March 2014)
    • War began when Russian-backed separatists seized Ukrainian government buildings (April 2014)
    • Continual war in Eastern Ukraine, supported by Russia
    • In 2022, Russia fully invades Ukraine