russian history

  • Jan 1, 800

    scandinavian warriors and slavs

    settled near volga and dnieper rivers. they need to get away from snow to be able to farm. they settled near rivers to be able to farm for their food.
  • Jan 1, 1200


    they invaded kiev. they ruled over the kievs for over 200 years. they invaded because they wanted the city's submissions .
  • Jan 1, 1470

    ivan III

    ivan III was also known as ivan "the great". ivan ended the mongol rule over kiev. ivan expanded his territory. ivan was a co-rule over kiev at first.
  • Jan 1, 1530

    ivan IV

    ivan Iv was also known as ivan "the terrible". he became russia's first crowned czar. a czar is an supreme ruler.
  • the serfs

    peasants became known as serfs. a serf is an enslaved workforce bound to the land. they were under the control of the nobility.
  • peter I

    peter I was also known as peter "the great". peter came to power at this time. he wanted to modernize russia.
  • alexander II

    alexander II was assassinated during this time. serfs had moved to the cities. non-russians faced prejudice because of russification. russification encouraged people to speak russian.
  • bolsheviks

    the bolsheviks seized control from czar nicholas II. bolsheviks was a revolutionary group that believed in communism. this group was led by vladimir lenin.
  • vladimir lenin

    he was the head of soviet government. during his rule he changed soviet union into a one-party communist state. he also organized the death and persecution of up to 140k people.
  • joseph stalin

    he governed russia with an 'iron fist'. he eliminated those who disagree with his policies. he killed 20-25 russians.
  • mikhail gorbachev

    mikhail gorbachev was assumed to power. he was reform minded. he also had a perestroika which is a policy of economic restructuring.
  • present

    communism collapses and boris yeltsin was named 1st president. the economy went from command to market. later vladimir putin became president in 1999