Beginnig of Romanov Dynasty
Romanov family gained influence during the Great Interregnum generated by the death of Ivan IV (1584). In 1613, an assembly of nobles chose the nephew of Tsar Ivan: Michael I of Russia, with which the dynasty begun. Michael Romanov took the title “Emperor and Autocrat of all Russia” he became known as the Tsar who imposed autocratic rule (government by one man). Unlike other European countries, the Tsars of Russia didn’t take advice from an elected parliament. -
Peter the Great's birth
He was born the 4 of june of 1672, in Moscow. Peter was a grandson of Tsar Michael Romanov. -
Peter The Great Crowning
He was crowned Tsar of Russia on April 27, 1682, when he was 10. But, there were problems between different political forces in the country, so he was forced to rule along with his brother Ivan, under the patronage of their sister Sofia -
Sofia's overthown
In 1689, after a failed putsch, Sofia was overthrown and exiled to a convent -
Tsar Ivan death
When Tsar Ivan died in 1696, Peter remained monarch and made a series of reforms that put Russia among the major European powers:
• He invited the best European engineers, shipbuilders, architects, craftsmen and merchants to come to Russia and modernize it.
• He sent a lots of Russians to Europe so they could receive the best education. -
Northern War beginning
One of Peter's principal objectives was to regain access to the Baltic Sea and Baltic trade. In 1700 he started the Northern War with Sweden, which he won. He founded St. Petersburg city on the delta of the Neva River, which became a major sea port. -
Northern War end
When the Northern War ended in 1721 Russia was declared an Empire and Peter the Great became the Emperor. Peter continued his political and economic reforms: he reorganized the government (10-semi ministers); he established the poll tax (to active foreign policy and to impulse national manufacturing and trade); he organized the Russian Regular Army and founded the Russian Navy. -
Peter the Great's Death
He died the 8 of February of 1725, in St. Petersburg, -
Catherine the Great's Birth
She was born on April 21, 1729 in Szczecin, Pomerania -
Catherine the Great's marriage
In 1745 she married Prince Carl Peter Ulrich (the future Emperor Peter III). She joined the Russian Orthodox Church, learned the Russian language and acquired a brilliant education (correspondent of enlightenment thinkers). -
Catherine the Great's rise
In June 1762, Catherine participated in a putsch against her husband who was overthrown and later killed, so she became Russia’s autocratic ruler. She made some reforms: extended the Russian Empire by acquiring territories in Southern Ukraine and the Crimea; extended the rights and privileges granted to Russian nobility, which won Catherine popularity among the Russian social elite .Also, she constructed the momument: The Horseman, to honor Peter the great. -
Catherine the Great's Death
She died on November 17, 1796 in Tsarskoye Selo, Russia. -
Start of Russian Revolution
The russian army fired on thousands of protesters calling for more pay and shorter working hours in factories. That led to strikes in many cities, including one in St. Petersburg. The protesters demanded a free and universal contitución, and also a tax reform. The Tsar accepted and made a constitution instituting a Duma or parliament, but the strikes and disorders continued. -
The Russian Empire gets in the First World War
Nicolas II takes the direction of Russian Armed Forces
Abdication of Nicolas II
In 1917, the Russian Army had lost more that 5 million soldiers in the First World War. There were other disturbs in St. Petersburg, forcing the abdication of the Tsar in March 1917 and the formation of a liberal government (called provisional). -
Russia Declared a Republic
In september, the Provisional Government declared Russia a Republic. -
Period: to
Civil War
civil war against the opposition of new policies of the recently signed treaty. -
Peace Treaty with Germany
In this treaty Russia gave some territories to Germany. -
Romanov's Murder
The Ztar (Nicolas II) and his whole family were murdered by the revolutionaries. -
Creation of the USSR
Creation of the Union of Sovietic Socialist Republics (USSR). It was constituted by 15 republics under a political system ruled by the communist party. -
Lenin's death
Period: to
Germany Surrenders
In the Stalingrado battle, the USSR beats Germany.Then, Soviet forces advanced to Berlin forcing Germany to surrender. -
The USSR was invaded by Germany
The Cold War
Conflict between USSR and the United States. Began the division between communist countries and those who were not. There was a tension between these two countries because of the fabrication of nuclear weapons. -
Period: to
Fron Stalin to Kruschov
In march of 1953 Stalin dies. Then there is a large conflict for the power until 1957 with the triumph of Kruschov. He relaxed the politics, and was a period of technological and cientific advance. -
Khrushchev revelations
Khrushchev is forced to admit that there was another pediod of collective leadership, led by Leonid Brezhnev, who promulgated a new constitution -
The USSR invades Afganistan
The Moscow Olympics were boycotted by the United States
Brezhnev death
Brezhnev died in late 1982 and its successors died in less than two years (Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernonko). -
Gorbachov Rise
He becomes general secretary of the Communist Party, and introduces glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring). -
Berlin wall
The are held the first democratic elections. The revolutions erupted throughout the Soviet bloc, these lead the Berlin Wall fell. -