Russian History

  • Jul 26, 1240

    Mongols conquer Kievian Rus

    Mongols conquer Kievian Rus
    Mongols invade Russia and destroy cities such as Ryazan, Kolomna, Moscow, Vladimir and Kiev.
  • Nov 3, 1480

    Ivan the Great

    Ivan the Great
    Ivan the Great ends Mongol rule and triples the territory of Russia. Ivan the Great was one of the longest reigning rulers of Russia.
  • St. Petersburg is Built

    St. Petersburg is Built
    The building of St. Petersburg begins. From 1713 - 1728 and from 1732 - 1918 St. Petersburg was the Capitol of Russia. In 1914 the name of the city was changed to Petrograd, in 1924 to Leningrad, and in 1991 back to St. Petersburg.
  • Constitution

    The Russian constitution was formed (December 25, 1993) and replaced the Soviet-Era Constitution (April 12, 1978).
  • WW1 Begins In Russia

    WW1 Begins In Russia
    World War 1 began in Russia with 1,400,000 soldiers, the most in the world. When fully mobilized the Russian army had over 5,000,000 soldiers, but only 4,600,000 rifles. All soldiers in the russian army could not be armed with a weapon.
  • Russian Revolution Begins

    Russian Revolution Begins
    The Russian Revolution was triggered by a combination of ecomomic breakdown, war weariness, and the government getting better.
  • Surprise Invasion

    Surprise Invasion
    Russians were surprised at a surprise invasion by germany that Hitler had planned.
  • Germans Drove out of Russia

    Germans Drove out of Russia
    The Russian army drove the German army back to Germany, and Berlin was captured back by Russia
  • Soviet Union Falls

    Soviet Union Falls
    The Soviet Union falls with Mikhail Gorbachev as ruler in 1991 when Boris Yeltsin captured Russia after a failed coup to capture Gorbachev.
  • Financial Crash

    Financial Crash
    Russia had a financial crash in 1998 because of the Russian government messing up on debt and devaluating the Russian Ruble (Russian Money).
  • Vladmir Putin Becomes President

    Vladmir Putin becomes president of Russia for his third term since 2000. Putin was also a previous chairman at United Russia.
  • Kievian Rus

    Kievian Rus
    Kievian Rus accepts Cristianity after Vladmir the great's baptism in the 990's.