Period: Oct 19, 1462 to
Oct 19, 1505
ivan the great
launched a war against novgored
aquired all of northern russia from lapand to he urals mountians
known as gatherer for tripiling the territory of his state
compiled subenik laws
gave the idea that mocow was the third rome -
ivan the terrible
turned country into military heavyweight
made st. basils cathedral
might have been poisoned
instrumented oprichnina which split up terrotories from russia
assigned oprichniki to sniff out treason and sweep away enemies -
peter the great
made st.petersburg capitol of russia
made brutal reforms
great statesman
after ivans death peter took over
wagered war at home -
catherine the great
good progress in poltical world
most prominet ruler of russia
increased power of russia
rallied the st.petersburgh soilders to rise up against the current czar
made russia stronger but made neighboring countries weaker -
nicholas 1
symbol of militancy and oppression
soilders tried to make a coup against him but were defeated
set up secret police
expanded russia to pacific rim
was thought to be poisoned -
alexander 2
called libetator
son of nicholas the first
abloished serfdom and reforms
assasination attempts died from bomb in his carriage -
alexander 3
called peacemaker
son of alexander 2
introduced harse security measures
deeply religous
encouraged development of trade and industry -
nicholas 2
son of alexander 3
married alix of hesse
1904 fought japan and lost
personally took command of russian army during ww1
family was shot by firing squad when bolshevicks took over